Saturday, October 30, 2010

2-day preschool Pictures

On Tuesday, November 9th will be 2-day preschool individual and group pictures.

Picture Retake

Just a reminder....Picture retakes for 3-day preschool and K - 6 will be Tuesday, November 9th. To be able to have a retake -- you must return your original picture package.


The Sound Waves, Women's Ensemble and RMS Select Sounds will perform at Holy Name Catholic School on Friday, November 5th at 10:30 AM. All are invited to attend.

Praying the Rosary

The 6th grade class will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass on Thursday, November 4th. The intention will be.....For the poor souls in purgatory. Please come and pray the rosary with the 6th grade class.

All Souls Day

Students in grades K - 6 will attend Mass at 8:15 AM for All Souls Day.

All Saints Day

Students in grades K - 6 will dress as saints on Monday, November 1st. At the 8:15 AM Mass the students will process in with Father Ben. After Mass students will give short presentations in the gym about the saint they represent. Everyone is invited to attend.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Standard of Excellence

Holy Name Catholic School received Standard of Excellence on state assessments in the following areas for the 2009 - 2010 school year.......

Standard of Excellence....3rd Grade Reading
Standard of Excellence....5th Grade Reading
Standard of Excellence....6th Grade Reading
Standard of Excellence....3rd Grade Math
Standard of Excellence....4th Grade Math
Standard of Excellence....5th Grade Math
Standard of Excellence....6th Grade Math
Building Level Standard of Excellence....Math
Building Level Standard of Excellence....Science

Pizza Hut -- October 25th

Want time away from the kitchen? Let Pizza Hut do all of the work and help
our school at the same time. Enjoy the lunch time buffet, plan to meet friends and family there, take carry-out home or have pizza, pasta and
more delivered.

Just leave your paid receipt in the jar on the counter by the cash register at
Pizza Hut marked for Holy Name School that day or evening. You can also turn
in the receipt by October 31 either to the school office or in the jar at the
church entrance.

Pizza Hut will donate to Holy Name School 20% of the total receipts turned in for October 25.

National Young Readers Week

During the Week of November 8 - 12 we will have "celebrity" readers come to our school and read to the students. We have asked local community members to come to our school and read.

Why is this week "celebrated"?

Children learn to enjoy reading by example. When they see adults whom they admire and look up to reading, your students will be more likely to read for enjoyment, as well.

Meeting people from many different fields helps to reinforce the fact that reading plays an important role in any career a person chooses.

Fall Festival

Holy Name Altar Society will have their annual Fall Festival on Sunday, November 7th. Everyone in the parish and school is invited to attend.

There will be booths set up in the gym and the altar society will be preparing a Chicken and Noodle Dinner. Tickets for the dinner can be purchased at the door.

First Friday

After the 8:15 AM Mass on Friday, November 5 there will be adoration and benediction.

Please come and spend some time with Jesus.

Generations of Faith

Our first Generations of Faith will be on Wednesday, November 3rd at 6:30 PM. HSA will be providing Lasagna that evening. Please bring a side dish. The topic for the evening will be "Stewardship".

Everyone in the parish and school is invited to attend.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

AR Assembly

AR Assembly will be Friday, October 29th after the 8:15 AM Mass. All are invited to attend the assembly.

Wellness Night

Our first Wellness Night will be Tuesday, October 26th after the 6:30 PM Mass. All are invited to attend Mass and then we will go to the gym and play volleyball.

Make plans to attend!!!

Sack Lunch

Students will need to bring a sack lunch on Friday, October 22nd. There will be NO Hot lunch provided that day.

NO AM/PM bus on Friday, October 22nd.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences will be Thursday, October 21st. Schedules have been sent home.

Free Dress day for the Missions

October is Mission month....Tuesday, October 19th will be a free dress day. The money collected ($2.00) for Free Dress day will be sent to the mission office in Wichita for the Holy Childhood Association.

Red Ribbon Week

Monday, October 18....Door Decorating Contest

Tuesday, October 19....Sock it to drugs (wear crazy socks)

Wednesday, October 20....Pledge Day (sign banner)

Thursday, October 21....Red Shirt Day (wear a red shirt)

Friday, October 22....Prayer Day (Pray the rosary for those affected by drugs)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Our next Virtus class will be Saturday, October 30th at 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM. We will offer Virtus in English in the Parish Hall and Spanish in the Library.

Please call the school office to add your name to our list of those wanting to attend that day.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, October 21st. Schedules will be sent home soon.

Catechesis of the Mass

Saturday, October 16th at 10:00 AM in the gym Father Nolan will present the 2nd part of the Catechesis of the Mass (Hearers of the Word). This series presents workshops on aspects of the celebration of the Holy Eucharist to help deepen our understanding of this sacrament as we prepare for a new translation of the Roman Missal in Advent of 2011.

This workshop, entitled "Hearers of the Word," leads us through the movement of the Liturgy of the Word, reflecting on how we prepare for receiving God's Word and how we respond to the Word proclaimed.

Please join us for this opportunity to reflect on this important part of the Mass.

First Nine Weeks

The first nine weeks will end on Friday, October 15th.


The 6th grade class will be pryaing the rosary on Thursday, October 14th after the 8:15 AM Mass. The intention this week will be....To pray for the unborn. Please come and pray with the 6th graders.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Barnes & Noble Bookfair

Barnes and Noble Bookfair will be Saturday, November 13th at Bradley Fair.

It is an opportunity to purchase a book for our school library. A "wish list" of books from Holy Name Catholic School will be available to choose from or pick one of your favorites!!

If you are unable to attend the bookfair at Barnes & Noble -- books can be purchased on-line.

Look for more information later this month!!!

Holy Name Parish Picnic/Silent Auction

Parish Picnic will be October 17th at 3:00 PM. There will be games, cake walk and a silent auction starting at 3:00 PM. A covered dish dinner will start at 5:00 PM. If you have items for the Silent Auction they may be left at the church office. ALL PROCEEDS WILL BENEFIT HOLY NAME CATHOLIC SCHOOL.

End of the Nine Weeks

The first nine weeks will end on Friday, October 15th.