Saturday, October 22, 2016

Leadership Council -- Food Drive

The Leadership Council will be collecting canned goods to help prepare Thanksgiving baskets for the needy. Students at Holy Name Catholic School may bring canned goods to help with the food drive. For those students that bring canned goods they can earn a free dress on Tuesday, November 15, 2016. More information about the food drive will be sent home.

Stewardship Packets - Thank You

The students in grades 4 - 6 helped pass out Stewardship packets after each Mass the weekend of October 29 & 30, 2016. Thank you for sharing your time and talent!!!

All Saints Day

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 is All Saints Day.  The students at Holy Name Catholic School (Kindergarten – 6th grade) will dress up as a saint on Tuesday, November 1, 2016. Each student will research a saint during the month of October.  Students at Holy Name Catholic School (Kindergarten – 6th grade) will attend Mass at 8:15 AM.  After Mass we will take a picture of our “saints” here at Holy Name Catholic School. Once the picture has been taken we will return to the gym and students will give a short presentation about their saint. After the saint presentations each student will receive a “snack” in the gym from PTO.

Everyone is invited to attend the saint presentations after Mass. This is such a wonderful learning experience for the students. Please come and learn about all the different saints.