Saturday, January 19, 2013

Family Reading Night

Family Reading Night will be on Tuesday, January 22nd at Holy Name Catholic School gym. Family Reading Night will begin after the 6:30 PM Mass.

PTO Meeting

Holy Name Catholic School PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, February 19th at 7:00 PM.


There will be a VIRTUS class on Sunday, February 10th at 1:00 PM in Marian Hall.

Library Work Day

Saturday, February 9th starting at 8:00 AM we will have a "Library" work day. We will be going through books and removing cards so that they can be deleted from our library database and then we will box up the books.


February 5th is Midterm for the third nine weeks. Midterm reports will be sent home that week.

First Friday

There will be Adoration and Benediction on Friday, February 1st after the 8:15 AM Mass.

Governors Award

Mr. Bob Voboril, superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Wichita will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Friday, February 1st to present the Governor's Award. The award will be presented around 12:15.

Evening with the Principal

Evening with the Principal will be on Tuesday, January 29th at 6:00 PM. If you have questions or concerns please stop by the school that evening.

Walking in Sisters Shoes Art Gallery

The Walking in Sisters Shoes Art Gallery will begin on Saturday, January 26 after the 5:30 PM Mass. The Art Gallery will continue on Sunday, January 27th after the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses. Everyone in the school and parish is invited to come and see the works of art prepared by our students.

Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week will begin January 27 - Feb 1st. Schedule of activities will be sent home next week.

AR Assembly

There will be an AR assembly on Friday, January 25th after the 8:15 AM Mass.


Just a reminder....Friday, January 25th yearbook order forms and money need to be turned in.

St. Katharine Drexel Novena

The students will pray the St. Katharine Drexel Novena at 12:30 each day in the gym from January 22 - 30. Everyone in the school and parish is invited come and pray with the students.

Monday, January 21

There will be NO school on Monday, January 21, 2013. This is a teacher in-service day.