Saturday, December 28, 2013

Alumni Gathering

Please mark your calendar....

Our next Alumni Gathering will be Sunday, March 30, 2014. We will begin by attending the 8:00 AM Mass.

Core Value

The Core Value that we will be working on during the third nine weeks is "Scholarship".

Evening with the Principal

The next Evening with the Principal will be on Thursday, February 6, 2014 at 7:00 PM.


Mid-term will be Tuesday, February 4, 2014 for the third nine weeks.

Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week begins on January 26 - February 1. A complete schedule for Catholic Schools Week will be sent home.


Holy Name Catholic School yearbooks will go on sale starting Monday, January 6, 2014. The cost for a yearbook is $12.50. All order forms and money need to be turned in by Friday, January 24, 2014.

Family Reading Night

Our next Wellness Activity will be on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 after the 6:30 PM Mass. Officer Brian Twitchell our DARE officer will  talk about the DARE program around 7:00 PM in the school gym. After his presentation we will have Reading activities for the students and their families.


There will be no school on Monday, January 20, 2014. Teachers will be participating in an in-service and retreat that day.


The 6th grade students pray the rosary each Thursday after the 8:15 AM Mass.

January 9 -- For an increase in vocations

January 16 -- For the March for Life

January 23 -- For the unborn

January 30 -- For the Diocese of Wichita Seminarians

February 6 -- For those suffering with cancer

February 13 -- For those that are sick in our parish

MAP Testing

Winter MAP testing will begin on Monday, January 13 - Friday, January 24. Students in grades K - 6 will be MAP Testing.

St. Katharine Drexel Novena

Holy Name Catholic School will pray the St. Katharine Drexel Novena starting on January 9 in the gym at 12:20.

Walk in Sisters Shoes

Walk in Sister Shoes activities will begin on Monday, January 6, 2014. We will begin with a prayer service in the gym at 8:30 AM.

Schedule of activities will be sent home on January 6th.

Second Semester

The second semester will begin on Monday, January 6, 2014.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Please mark your calendar....Holy Name will have its first Auction on Saturday, March 29, 2014.

Fall Semester

The fall semester will end on Thursday, December 19, 2013 at 12:30 PM for Holy Name Catholic School.

School will resume on Monday, January 6, 2014 at 7:50 AM.

Pizza Hut Day

Pizza Hut day for Holy Name Catholic School will be Tuesday, December 17th.

Christmas Program

Holy Name Catholic School Christmas Program will be Tuesday, December 10, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the school gym.

Immaculate Conception Mass

The school children (PS - 6) will be attending Mass on Monday, December 9 at 8:15 AM for the Immaculate Conception.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass

Sunday, December 8th will be the Mass for Our Lady of Guadalupe at 3:00 PM at Holy Name Church.

Amazon Gift Wrapping

Amazon Gift Wrapping will be on Saturday, December 7th. For more information, please contact one of the PTO officers.

St Nichloas Party

St. Nicholas Party will be....

2-day Preschool -- Thursday, December 5 at 10:15 AM.

3-day Preschool -- Friday, December 6 at 10:15 AM.

K - 6 -- Friday, December 6 at 2:15 PM

Generations of Faith

Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, December 4 at 6:30 PM in the school gym. This month the meal will be "Pot Luck". Bring your favorite dish. The topic for the evening will be Epistle of James. Everyone is invited to attend.

Our Lady Of Guadalupe

Wednesday, December 4 at 12:20 PM the school children will begin the Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena. Everyone in the school and parish is invited to pray with the school children.

Family Math Night

Family Math Night will be on Tuesday, December 3 in the school gym. We will begin after the 6:30 PM Mass. All school families and members of our parish are invited to attend.

Advent Prayer Service

During the season of Advent the 6th grade students will lead an Advent Service each Monday in the gym. All school families and members of our parish are invited to attend.

December 2 -- 8:30 AM
December 9 -- Prayer service will be after the 8:15 AM Mass.
December 16 -- 8:30 AM

Gifts for Baby Jesus

During the season of Advent we will place the manger in front of the school office. Students will have an opportunity to place gifts for Baby Jesus in the manger. Baby gifts collected will be given to the Midwest Pregnancy Center on Tuesday, December 17th at 9:00 AM.

Leadership Council Assembly

The Leadership Council will have  a short assembly on Monday, December 2, 2013 at 7:40 AM in the gym.


The season of Advent will begin on Sunday, December 1, 2013. During Advent it is a time for us to prepare for the birth of Jesus Christ.

Thanksgiving Break

There will be NO school at Holy Name Catholic School November 25 - 29. Teachers will be attending classes at Pittsburg for our Religion Certification on Monday and Tuesday.

 Happy Thanksgiving....enjoy time with family!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pizza Hut Day

Our first Pizza Hut Day will be October 15th.


Holy Name Catholic School Carnival will be Friday, October 11, 2013 at 6:00 PM.

End of the 1st Nine Weeks

The end of the first nine weeks will be Friday, October 11, 2013.

Class Pictures

LifeTouch will be at Holy Name Catholic School on October 8th to take Class Pictures and Picture "Retakes".

Bully Awareness Week

Bully Awareness Week is October 7 - 11.

Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week is October 6 - 12.

First Sunday

The school children will do Mass parts on Sunday, October 6th at the 8:15 AM and 10:00 AM Masses.

First Friday

There will be Adoration and Benediction on Friday, October 4, 2013 after the 8:15 AM Mass.

Generations of Faith

Generations of Faith will meet on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 at 6:30 PM in the gym. The topic will be "Gifts" and the main dish will be ham/cheese sandwiches.

All school families are invited to attend.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Month of the Rosary

During the month of October the school children will be praying the rosary each Friday afternoon at 2:15 PM at the church. Everyone is invited to come and pray the rosary.

Parent Education Meeting

We will have our first Parent Education Meeting on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the school gym. Father Ken Van Haverbeke will be the speaker that evening and his topic will be "Parenting the Ultimate act of Stewardship". He would like to meet all of our school families. Please make plans to attend.

Evening with the Principal

Evening with the Principal will be Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 6:00 PM.

Some of the topics that will be discussed:
  • Common Core
  • MAP Testing
  • State Assessments


The 6th grade students pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass each Thursday. Everyone is invited to come and pray with the students.

SEK Teacher Convention

Holy Name Catholic School teachers will be attending the SEK Teacher Convention on Tuesday, September 17th. There will be NO school on September 17th.

Parish Leadership Workshop/Retreat

Father Ken Van Haverbeke will be at Holy Name Parish on Saturday, September 14th from 9:00 - 1:00 PM for our Parish Leadership Workshop/Retreat. Everyone in the Parish is invited to attend. Please call the school office (251-0480) if you would like to attend so a lunch can be ordered.

Mid-Term Conferences

Mid-Term Conferences will be Thursday, September 12th. A schedule has been sent home to each school family.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Arrival -- Students will need to use the doors by the office to enter the building in the morning.

Dismissal -- Students will NOT use the gym doors at the end of school. Kindergarten and first grade will use the West doors. Students in grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 will use the doors by the office and grade 6 will use the East door.

Preschool Orientation

Holy Name Catholic School preschool orientation will be Monday, August 12 at 8:00 AM or 5:30 PM for both 2-day and 3-day classes. Parents will meet in the preschool classroom.

Students in 2-day preschool --  first day of school will be Tuesday, August 13 at 7:50 AM.

Students in 3-day preschool -- first day of school will be Wednesday, August 14 at 7:50 AM.

Welcome Back

Welcome Back to school!!! Holy Name Catholic School will start on Monday, August 12th at 7:50 AM. Students (K - 6) will report to their classroom on the first day of school.

There will be NO AM/PM bus on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday this week.

Students will need to bring a sack lunch on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week.

Hot Lunch will start on Friday, August 16th.

School will be dismissed at 3:00 PM. Students in grades Kindergarten and 1st grade will use the West doors to dismiss. Students in grades 2, 3, 4, and 5 will use the doors by the office and grade 6 will use the East doors.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Stewardship Opportunity

We are looking for volunteers to help in the lunchroom during the 2013-2014 school year. ALL volunteers will need the VIRTUS training. For more information, please call the school office at 251-0480.

School Registration

School registration for Holy Name Catholic School (Preschool - 6th grade) will be on Thursday, August 1st from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM in the school library. The first day of school for K - 6 will be Monday, August 12th.

Preschool Orientation

Preschool Orientation will be on Monday, August 12 at 8:00 AM or 5:30 PM in the preschool classroom. Students in the 2-day preschool class will start school on Tuesday, August 13 at 7:50 AM and the 3-day preschool class will start on Wednesday, August 14 at 7:50 AM. For more information, please call the school office.

Family Meeting

Each Catholic family that will have children enrolled in Kindergarten through 6th grade will meet with Father Ben in order to finalize their enrollment. The meeting with Father Ben will be at the rectory on Thursday, August 1st this year. We are asking that each family sign up for a particular time that will work for them. There will be sign up sheets in the back of the church after each weekend Mass (July 6/7, July 13/14, July 20/21 and July 27/28). These meetings will be approximately 10 minutes in length.

Substitute Teacher

Holy Name Catholic School is needing substitute teachers for the 2013-2014 school year. If interested, please call the school office at 251-0480.


Friday, July 5, 2013 starting at 7:30 AM we will be painting the school hallway. For more information, please call the school office at 251-0480. Thank you for sharing your time and talent at Holy Name Catholic School.

Food Safety Basics

There will be a Food Safety class on Tuesday, July 30 from 2:00 - 5:00 PM. This class will include lessons on holding food safely, good personal hygiene, preventing contamination of equipment & supplies, handling chemicals, cooking food safely, obtaining food from approved sources & protecting customers with allergies from cross contamination. If interested in taking the class this would be wonderful knowledge to have while helping in the lunch room. For more information, please call the school office at 251-0480.

Barnes & Noble Summer Reading

Holy Name Catholic School students (2013-2014): Barnes and Noble Summer Reading Imagination's Destination Reading Journal can be completed this summer and you could earn a "free book" from Barnes and Noble. What do you need to do to get started? Read any eight books this summer and record them in the Reading Journal (which can be picked up at the school office). Include in the Reading Journal whom you would recommend each book and why. Return the completed form to the school office with your selection of the free book from the list provided by Barnes and Noble.

Stewardship Opportunity

Every school in the Diocese of Wichita is to make available to parents regularly scheduled education that will assist them in the total formation of their children: religious, academic, physical/wellness, and personal/social. Suggested topics....bullying, health and wellness, sacramental preparation, stewardship, academic best practices, and Internet safety. If you would be interested in helping select topics for our school and finding speakers, please contact the school office at 251-0480.


The Protecting God's Children training program for adults is a three-hour awareness session that instructs adults on how to protect children, and that it succeeds only because of a continuous awareness and vigilance on the part of each of us. Questions regarding the VIRTUS program should be directed to Father Ben or Sister Janelle at 251-0475 or Lisa Payne at 251-0480. There will be an opportunity to attend a VIRTUS class here at Holy Name parish on Saturday, July 13 at 8:00 AM in Marian Hall.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

School Work Day

There will be a school work day on Saturday, April 20 starting at 8:00 AM.

Projects that we will be working on....
  • Clean the school kitchen
  • Clean the table/chair room
  • Clean above the stage
  • We will painting the restrooms on the east end of the building.


Mid-Term for the 4th nine weeks is April 19th.


There will be a PTO meeting on Tuesday, April 16 at 7:00 PM in the gym.


The annual carnival will be held Friday, April 12th from 6:00 - 9:00 PM in the gym. Please come and enjoy an evening of food, fun and fellowship as we celebrate this great Holy Name Catholic School tradition.


There will be a VIRTUS class on Wednesday, April 10th at 9:00 AM in Marian Hall.

Pizza Hut Day

Holy Name Catholic School Pizza Hut day will be on Tuesday, April 9th. Receipts can be left at Pizza Hut or leave them at the rectory or school office. Receipts need to be turned in by April 15th.

Pizza Hut will donate 20% of the total receipts for April 9th to Holy Name Catholic School.

Totus Tuus Assembly

There will be an  assembly on Tuesday, April 9th at 12:30 in the gym for grades 4, 5, and 6. Students will learn more about Totus Tuus camp this summer.

Safety Poster Winners

Students in grades 4, 5 and 6 participated in the Montgomery County Farm Bureau Safety Poster Contest.

We were notified of the following winners.....

Brayden Gilfillan -- 1st place in Division I

Madeline Murdock -- 1st place in Division II
Madigan Phillips --  2nd place in Division II

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Parent Meetings

ALL School families will meet with Fr. Ben and Mrs. Payne on April 1, April 2, April 3 or April 4. These meetings will take place at the rectory and should be between 15 - 20 minutes. If you need to schedule a time, please contact the school office at 251-0480.

Parish Picnic

There will be a Parish Potluck Picnic to honor the new members of our church family on Sunday, April 14 after the 10:00 AM Mass at Holy Name Catholic School gym.

Come and meet the members of our parish that received the Sacrament of Confirmation, First Holy Communion, those who have joined the Church through RCIA and those who are new to our community and parish.

Those coming to 10:00 AM Mass: The gym will be open and somebody will be there during Mass so you can leave your food on your way to Mass.

Cathedral Pilgrimage

Saturday, May 11, 2013, leaving the church at 7:30 AM. The Knights of Columbus has a chartered bus to travel to Wichita for the Cathedral Pilgrimage.

Tentative schedule:

10:30 AM -- Confessions and Mass

NOON -- Tour of the Cathedral

12:30 -- Lunch

The cost will be $40.00 with lunch provided or you may wish to take a sack lunch and the cost would be $33.00.

Sign up at the rectory there is limited please pay at that time.

Wellness Activity

Holy Name Catholic School will have a Wellness activity on Tuesday, April 23 after the 6:30 PM Mass. Weather permitting we will play kickball on the playground. Make plans to attend....

School Work Day

There will be a school work day on Saturday, April 20th at 8:00 AM.

Some of the projects that will need to completed....

Clean school kitchen
Clean above the stage
Clean the table/chair room

Thank you for sharing your time and talent at Holy Name Catholic School.


Friday, April 19th will be mid-term for the 4th nine weeks.


The 6th grade students will pray the rosary on Thursday, April 18th after the 8:15 AM Mass. The rosary intention will be for all the Holy Name Catholic School teachers.


Tuesday, April 16th at 7:00 PM there will be a PTO Meeting.


Holy Name Catholic School 43rd annual carnival will be on Friday, April 12th from 6:00 - 9:00 PM in the gym.


The 6th grade students will pray the rosary on Thursday, April 11th after the 8:15 AM Mass. The rosary intention will be for the people diagnosed with cancer.


There will a VIRTUS clas on Wednesday, April 10 at 9:00 AM in Marian Hall. For more information contact Sister Janelle at 251-0475 or Lisa Payne at 251-0480.

Totus Tuus Assembly

There will be a Totus Tuus assembly on Tuesday, April 9th at 12:30 PM.

First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion for the second grade students will be on Sunday, April 7th at 10:00 AM.

First Friday

Friday, April 5th will be First Friday...after the 8:15 AM Mass there will be Adoration and Benediction.


The 6th grade will pray the rosary on Thursday, April 4 after the 8:15 AM Mass. The rosary intention will be for Holy Name Parishioners for making it possible for us to receive a Catholic Education.

Reading Night

Holy Name Catholic School will have a Reading Night for all school families and parishioners after the 6:30 PM Mass on Tuesday, April 2. Please bring your favorite book for you and your child to read.


Reminder....There is NO school on Easter Monday, April 1, 2013

I hope everyone has a very "Blessed" Easter.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Faith Rally

Students in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 will be traveling to Wichita on Wednesday, March 13th to participate in the Faith Rally. ALL Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Wichita will be attending.

Students need to be in the gym by 7:30 AM on Wednesday, March 13th.

Students will need to wear their school uniform.

Students will need a sack lunch and water bottle.

We should be back at Holy Name by 6:00 PM. Parents will need to come to the gym to pick-up students.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

First Confession

First Confession for grade 2 will be on Wednesday, March 13 at 7:00 PM.

Faith Rally

The students in grades 3 - 6 will be traveling to Wichita on Wednesday, March 13 to attend a Faith Rally. The Diocese of Wichita is celebrating 125 years.

We will be traveling by bus...students will need to bring a sack lunch that day and a water bottle. We will leave Holy Name Catholic School at 7:45 AM. Students need to be in the gym by 7:30 AM. We should be back around 6:00 PM.

Permission slips will go home next week.

Parent Meeting

Fr. Ben and I have been meeting with the Superintendent of Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Wichita, Mr. Bob Voboril about the challenges we are facing here at the school. Mr. Voboril will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the gym to discuss the challenges and issues we are facing here at the school. ALL school families need to be at this meeting. We are very grateful that our Superintendant is taking the time to drive from Wichita to come to our school and present.

Thank you for making time for this very important meeting.

End of Quarter 3

The third nine weeks will end on Friday, March 8th. Parent/Teacher conferences will be on Thursday, March 14th.

Stations of the Cross

The 2nd grade class will lead the Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 8th at 2:15 PM.

Vocation Day

The 6th grade students will travel to St. Patrick Catholic School in Parsons on Thursday, March 7th to participate in Vocation Day. They will have an opportunity to learn more about Vocations.


Our next VIRTUS class will be Tuesday, March 5 at 1:00 PM in Marian Hall.

State Assessments

Reading State Assessments will start March 4 - March 15 for grades 3 - 6.

Math State Assessments will start 8 - 19 for grades 3 - 6.

Science State Assessments will start April 21 - 26.

Spiritual Bouquet

If you recall from the last week's homily that Fr. Ben asked for your Spiritual Bouquet for the Holy Father. Please spread this spiritual project among your friends or people in your ministries/circles. Please keep count of them and we will send them to the Bishop and he will send them to the Holy Father.

What is a Spiritual Bouquet? Spiritual Bouquets are prayers or devotional acts that someone (the giver) has or will offer for someone else (the recipient). It can be given from an individual or group to an individual or group to express joy, sorrow or best wishes, often in commemoration of a special occasion. The recipient is given a card or something similar indicating who the giver is and what the spiritual bouquet consists of. This can be the number of Masses attended, Holy Communions offered, rosaries and/or other prayers said, or good deeds performed. It should include the sender's name and the number of times each offering was or will be done, and it may also include the dates.

All benefit from prayer. The nicest part of this ministry is that it can be done communally or alone, at church or at home.

Special Mass -- March 1

At 1:00 PM local time, on Thursday, February 28, Pope Benedict XVI will resign as Pastor of the Universal Church to be known from that point on as the Bishop emeritus of Rome.

To mark the event, on March 1, 2013 at 5:30 PM, in the Cathedral of Immaculate Conception, Bishop Jackels will celebrate Holy Mass in thanksgiving for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI, to ask the Lord to bless his retirement and to beg the Holy Spirit to guide the Cardinals in their choice of Peter’s Successor. All are welcome to attend.

Fr. Ben will have a special Mass at Holy Name Catholic Church here in Coffeyville on March 1, 2013 at 8:15 AM. Fr. Ben will celebrate Holy Mass in thanksgiving for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI. All are invited to come to this Mass. There will be NO adoration or Benediction after the 8:15 AM Mass on Friday, March 1, 2013.

Stations of the Cross

The 3rd grade students will lead the Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 1st at 2:15 PM at the church. All parents are invited to come and pray the Stations of the Cross with the students.

AR Assembly

Our February AR Assembly will be on Friday, March 1st at the 8:15 AM Mass.

State Assessment Pep Rally

Holy Name Catholic School State Assessment Pep Rally will be Friday, March 1st at 1:30 PM in the gym. All school parents are encouraged to come and be a part of our pep rally.


The 6th grade students will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass on Thursday, February 28. The rosary intention will be for our Holy Father.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Vocation Day

Vocation Day will be Thursday, March 7 at St. Patrick Catholic School in Parsons. The 6th graders will have an opportunity to learn more about vocations that day.


The next VIRTUS class will be Tuesday, March 5 at 1:00 PM in Marian Hall.

State Assessments

Below you will find a timeline for State Assessments.......

Reading State Assessments -- March 4 - 15

Math State Assessments -- April 8 - 19

Science State Assessments -- April 21 - 26

State Assessment Pep Rally

Our State Assessment Pep Rally will be on Friday, March 1 at 1:30 PM in the school gym.

First Friday

There will be Adoration and Benediction on Friday, March 1 after the 8:15 AM Mass.

Stations of the Cross

The 4th grade students will lead the Stations of the Cross on Friday, February 22nd at 2:15 PM.

AR Assembly

There will be an AR assembly on Friday, February 22nd after the 8:15 AM Mass.

Diocesan Spelling Bee

The Diocesan Spelling Bee will be Wednesday, February 20, 2013 in Wichita. Naveen Venkat will represent Holy Name Catholic School at the Diocesan Spelling Bee.


The 6th grade students will pray the rosary on Thursday, February 21 after the 8:15 AM Mass. The intention will be....For the defense of life, marriage and religious liberty that all people in our country will recognize the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

Auction Committee

The Auction Committee will meet on Wednesday, February 20th at 6:00 PM in St. Joseph Hall.

Teacher In-Service

There will be no school on Monday, February 18, 2013. Teachers will be attending an in-service that day.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


There will be a PTO meeting on Tuesday, February 19 at 7:00 PM in the gym.

Stations of the Cross

The students at Holy Name Catholic School will pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday during lent. Stations of the Cross will begin at 2:15 PM at the church.


The 6th grade will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass on Thursday, February 14th. The intention for this week is....For the blessing of moisture -- that those who work the land can bring forth an abundant harvest.

Ash Wednesday

The liturgical season of Lent will begin on Wednesday, February 13. Students in grades PS - 6 will attend Mass on Ash Wednesday at 8:15 AM.

Pizza Hut Day

Tuesday, February 12 is Pizza Hut Day for Holy Name Catholic School. Pizza Hut will donate 20% of the total receipts turned in that day to the school. Put your receipt in the jar at Pizza Hut that day or evening or they may be left at the school, rectory, or church.  Receipts need to be turned in by February 19th.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Family Reading Night

Family Reading Night will be on Tuesday, January 22nd at Holy Name Catholic School gym. Family Reading Night will begin after the 6:30 PM Mass.

PTO Meeting

Holy Name Catholic School PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, February 19th at 7:00 PM.


There will be a VIRTUS class on Sunday, February 10th at 1:00 PM in Marian Hall.

Library Work Day

Saturday, February 9th starting at 8:00 AM we will have a "Library" work day. We will be going through books and removing cards so that they can be deleted from our library database and then we will box up the books.


February 5th is Midterm for the third nine weeks. Midterm reports will be sent home that week.

First Friday

There will be Adoration and Benediction on Friday, February 1st after the 8:15 AM Mass.

Governors Award

Mr. Bob Voboril, superintendent of schools for the Diocese of Wichita will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Friday, February 1st to present the Governor's Award. The award will be presented around 12:15.

Evening with the Principal

Evening with the Principal will be on Tuesday, January 29th at 6:00 PM. If you have questions or concerns please stop by the school that evening.

Walking in Sisters Shoes Art Gallery

The Walking in Sisters Shoes Art Gallery will begin on Saturday, January 26 after the 5:30 PM Mass. The Art Gallery will continue on Sunday, January 27th after the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses. Everyone in the school and parish is invited to come and see the works of art prepared by our students.

Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week will begin January 27 - Feb 1st. Schedule of activities will be sent home next week.

AR Assembly

There will be an AR assembly on Friday, January 25th after the 8:15 AM Mass.


Just a reminder....Friday, January 25th yearbook order forms and money need to be turned in.

St. Katharine Drexel Novena

The students will pray the St. Katharine Drexel Novena at 12:30 each day in the gym from January 22 - 30. Everyone in the school and parish is invited come and pray with the students.

Monday, January 21

There will be NO school on Monday, January 21, 2013. This is a teacher in-service day.