Saturday, October 20, 2012

Barnes & Noble Book Fair

Give the Gift of Literacy To Our School

Barnes and Noble at Bradley Fair, 1920 N. Rock Road – Wichita, is hosting a special on-line book fair fundraiser on November 10, 2012 to help purchase book for our library.

There are two ways you can help our school. Purchase a book online or send a check to Holy Name Catholic School by 11/1/12. Be sure to include “Bookfair” on the memo line. Books average $15/each. Each student who brings money to purchase a book by 11/1/12 will be registered to win a NOOK.

Proceeds from the on-line book fair will purchase additional library books for our school. The holiday season is approaching – books make perfect gifts for family, friends, teachers, schools! Purchase a book for you, your family, or give a book to our school library - any purchase will support our school.

Order on-line between 11/10 - 11/14 with bookfair number 10888485.

All Saints Day

Thursday, November 1st, 2012 is All Saints Day. The students at Holy Name Catholic School (Kindergarten – 6th grade) will dress up as a saint. Each student will research a saint during the month of October. ALL students at Holy Name Catholic School (Pre-school – 6th grade) will attend Mass at 8:15 AM. After Mass we will take a picture of our “saints” here at Holy Name Catholic School. Once the picture has been taken we will return to the gym and students will give a short presentation about their saint. After the saint presentations each student will receive a “snack” in the gym from PTO.

Everyone is invited to attend the saint presentations after Mass. This is such a wonderful learning experience for the students. Please come and learn about all the different saints.


All Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Wichita are asked to rally support to overturn or amend the Health and Human Services mandate requiring that all insurance programs provide insurance for services that the Church opposes on moral grounds. To show our support for Bishop Jackels and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops the school children will be praying the rosary on Tuesday, October 30th at 2:30 PM in the church.

Please come and pray the rosary with Holy Name Catholic School students for the protection of religious liberty within the United States.


There will be a VIRTUS training on Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 5:00 PM in the Parish Hall.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Pray the Rosary

All Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Wichita are asked to rally support to overturn or amend the Health and Human Services mandate requiring that all insurance programs provide insurance for services that the Church opposes on moral grounds. To show our support for Bishop Jackels and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops the school children will be praying the rosary on Tuesday, October 30th at 2:30 PM in the church.

Please come and pray the rosary with Holy Name Catholic School students for the protection of religious liberty within the United States.

AR Assembly

There will be an AR Assembly on Friday, October 26th after the 8:15 AM Mass.


LifeTouch will be at Holy Name for picture retakes on October 26th.


There will be a Virtus session on Thursday, October 25th at 5:00 PM in the Parish Hall.

Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week is October 23 - 31.

Activities planned for Red Ribbon Week.....

Monday....Decorate Classroom Door
Tuesday....Sock it to Drugs Day ("Wear Crazy Socks")
Wednesday....Sign Pledge Banner
Thursday....Wear a Red Uniform Shirt
Friday....Pray the rosary for those affected by drugs and their families at 2:15 PM in the church.


October is the month of the rosary. Each Friday during October the school children will pray the rosary at 2:15 PM at church.

Rosary Intentions....

October 12...For an end to all attacks on religious liberty, and for the protection of the right to practice the Catholic religion in freedom.

October 19...For an end to all attacks on religious liberty, and for the protection of the right to practice the Catholic religion in freedom.

October 26....For all those affected by drugs and their families.


Just a reminder, that navy or khaki shorts (boys and girls) and the navy skort for girls may only be worn during the 1st and 4th nine weeks of school. Friday, October 12th ends the 1st nine weeks of school.

End of the 1st Nine Week

The end of the 1st nine weeks is Friday, October 12th. Gradecards will be sent home the following week.

Year of Faith

The Year of Faith will begin on Thursday, October 11th. We will pray the rosary after Mass on Thursday, October 11th for the beginning of the Year of Faith and in particular the Holy Father's call for all of us to be part of a prayer movement focused on the person of Jesus Christ and faith in him.

Auction Committee

The Holy Name Auction Committee will meet on Wednesday, October 10th at 6:00 PM in St. Joseph Hall.

Wellness Activity

Holy Name Catholic School will have their first wellness activity on Tuesday, October 9th after the 6:30 PM Mass. We will be playing volleyball that evening. Please come and join the fun!!!

Pizza Hut Day

Holy Name Catholic School Pizza Hut Day is Tuesday, October 9th. Please turn your receipts in at the Pizza Hut, school office or rectory by October 15th. Holy Name Catholic School will receive 20% of the total receipts turned in for October 9th.

Thank you for your support!!!!


The 5th grade students will be participating in the DARE program this year. Officer Brian Twitchell will be their instructor for the class.

Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week is October 8 - 12th.