Saturday, March 31, 2012

Totus Tuus

Holy Name Parish will have Totus Tuus this summer for the students. Totus Tuus will be the week of June 11 - 15th.

For more information about Totus Tuus...please contact Sister Janelle.

MAP Testing

Spring MAP Testing will be April 30 - May 11th.

Kindergarten Roundup

Kindergarten Roundup will be Friday, April 27th beginning at 12:30 PM at Holy Name Catholic School.

AR Assembly

The April AR assembly will be on Friday, April 27th after the 8:15 AM Mass.

Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books team will travel to Winfield on Wednesday April 25th.

Wellness Committee

Members of the Wellness Committee will meet on April 24th at 7:00 PM in the school library. We will review the wellness rubrics for the school year.


Holy Name Catholic School carnival will be Friday, April 20th from 6:00 - 9:00 PM.

Diocesan Spelling Bee

The Diocese of Wichita will be hosting a Spelling Bee on Monday, April 23rd. Victoria Froelich will represent Holy Name Catholic School at the Diocesan Spelling Bee.

Carnival Assembly

There will a carnival assembly at 2:15 PM on Friday, April 20th in the gym.


Midterm for the 4th nine weeks will be Tuesday, April 17th.


There will be a HSA meeting on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:00 PM.

VFW Assembly

The VFW will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Tuesday, April 17th at 9:00 AM. They will present on how to fold the American flag and flag etiquette.

Be a Hero

There will be a presentation on Be a Hero....Help encourage & respect others at 9:00 AM for the 4th grade students on April 16th.

First Communion

First Holy Communion will be Sunday, April 15th at the 10:00 AM Mass.

Camp Totus Tuus

Daniel Forbes will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Thursday, April 12th at 10:30 AM in the gym. His presentation will be for grades 4 - 6 about Camp Totus Tuus.

Wellness Activity

Our next wellness activity will be on Tuesday, April 10th after the 6:30 PM Mass. Weather permitting we will play kickball.

Rice Bowl

Please return money placed in your rice bowl in the envelope provided by Monday, April 9th.

Good Friday

There will be NO school on Good Friday (April 6).


The 6th grade students will lead the rosary at 8:15 AM on Thursday, April 4th. The rosary intention will be for all those who need a job.

Holy Week Schedule

April 4....Parish Confessions at 7:00 PM

April 5....Confessions 5:30 - 6:30 PM
April 5....Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 PM

April 6....Stations of the Cross at 3:00 PM
April 6...Confessions 3:30 - 4:30 PM
April 6....Good Friday Service at 7:00 PM

April 7....Confessions 1:00 - 2:00 PM
April 7...Easter Vigil Mass at 8:00 PM

April 8...Easter Sunday Masses at 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM

Carnival Assembly

There will be a carnival assembly on April 4th at 2:30 PM in the gym.

Math State Assessments

Schedule for Math State Assessments....

April 2, April 3 and April 4....5/6 grade
April 3, April 4, April 5....3rd grade
April 9, April 10, April 11....4th grade

Saturday, March 3, 2012

End of the Third Nine Weeks

The 3rd nine weeks will end on Friday, March 9th.


The students will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass on Thursday, March 8th. The intention will be...For all students who are taking tests.

Please come and pray the rosary with the 6th graders.

Walking in Sisters Shoes

Holy Name Catholic School was invited to the Walking in Sisters Shoes Press Conference on Thursday, March 1st. It was announced at the press conference that our school was 2nd in the amount of money given to the Drexel fund this year. We sent a check for $2736 to Wichita for the Drexel fund....this amounted to $41.04 per student.

Vocation Day

Congratulation the the 6th graders for receiving 1st place on their vocation banner. The 6th grade students traveled to St. Patrick School in Parsons on Thursday, March 1st and participated in Vocation Day.