Monday, December 26, 2011
St. Katharine Drexel Novena
Students will be praying the St. Katharine Drexel novena at 12:30 in the gym starting January 17th - Janury 25th.
MAP Testing
MAP Testing will begin January 9 - January 20th for grades K - 6. Schedules will be sent home...
There will be a Virtus class on Saturday, January 7th in the Parish Hall from 9:00 AM - Noon.
Walk in Sisters Shoes
Holy Name Catholic School will have a prayer service after the 8:15 AM Mass on Friday, January 6th in the gym. All are invited to come to our prayer service.
Walking in Sisters Shoes will begin on Friday, January 6 - Friday, February 3, 2012.
Walking in Sisters Shoes will begin on Friday, January 6 - Friday, February 3, 2012.
The 6th grades will pray the rosary each Thursday after the 8:15 AM Mass. During the month of January the intention will be for the unborn.
Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, January 4th at 6:30 PM. The topic for the evening will be the Gospel of Matthew.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Midwest Pregnancy Center
Volunteers from the Midwest Pregnancy Center will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Monday, December 19th at 12:30. Students will present the gifts that were placed around the manger to the volunteers.
Christmas Program
The Holy Name Catholic School Christmas Program will be on Tuesday, December 13th at 7:00 PM. Students need to be in their classroom by 6:50 PM.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
First Semester
The first semester will end on Wednesday, December 21st. Grades will be sent home in January.
Advent Folders
For those participating in the The Holy Childhood Association Advent folders they are due on Tuesday, December 20th.
Thank you for encouraging your child to help with the missions.
Thank you for encouraging your child to help with the missions.
AR Lunch
The AR lunch will be on Tuesday, December 20th at 11:30 AM. There will only be one lunch period that day.
The 6th graders will lead the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass on Thursday, December 15th. The prayer intention will be for Holy Name Parishioners. All are invited to come and pray the rosary with the school children.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Christmas Program
Holy Name Catholic School Christmas Program will be Tuesday, December 13th at 7:00 PM. All are invited to attend.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena will begin on December 1st at 12:30 in the gym. Please come and pray with the faculty & students.
December 1st at 12:30
December 2nd at 12:30
December 5 at 12:30
December 6 at 12:30
December 7 at 12:30
December 8 at 12:30
December 9 at 12:30
December 1st at 12:30
December 2nd at 12:30
December 5 at 12:30
December 6 at 12:30
December 7 at 12:30
December 8 at 12:30
December 9 at 12:30
Family Math Night
Family Math Night will be Tuesday, November 29th after the 6:30 PM Mass. All are invited to attend.
Advent Service
The 6th grade students will lead our Advent Prayer service beginning at 8:30 AM in the gym on Monday, November 28th.
All are invited to attend.
All are invited to attend.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Regan Institute
The teachers will be attending the Regan Institute in Pittsburg on Monday, November 21st and Tuesday, November 22nd. This is part of our religion certification that is needed to teach in a Catholic School.
There will be NO school November 21 - 25....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
There will be NO school November 21 - 25....Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Schwan Pickup
Please pick up your Schwan order between 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM on Friday, November 18th in the Holy Name Church parking lot. Let your friends and family know that they can stop by and purchase items directly from the Schwan truck which will be stocked with a wide variety of items.
Thank you for your support of our students!!
Thank you for your support of our students!!
The 6th grade students will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass on Thursday, November 17th for the unemployed.
Food Pantry
Students may have a free dress day on Tuesday, November 15th if they bring canned goods for the food pantry or $2.00 for the Holy Name Food Pantry.
If they bring the following on Tuesday, November 15th....
One canned good....Free uniform shirt or pants
Two canned goods....Free Dress Day
If they bring $2.00 for the Holy Name Food Pantry....Free Dress Day
Students will take their canned goods to Mass on Friday, November 18th and place them around the altar at offertory time.
If they bring the following on Tuesday, November 15th....
One canned good....Free uniform shirt or pants
Two canned goods....Free Dress Day
If they bring $2.00 for the Holy Name Food Pantry....Free Dress Day
Students will take their canned goods to Mass on Friday, November 18th and place them around the altar at offertory time.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thank You
We would like to thank everyone that came out and supported Holy Name Catholic Students at the State Assessment Parade.
We had a wonderful turn out and it was enjoyed by our students.
We had a wonderful turn out and it was enjoyed by our students.
National Young Readers Week
The week of November 7 - 11 is National Young Readers Week. During this week we will have members of our community and parishioners come to the school and read to the students.
Fall Festival
Holy Name Altar Society will have their Fall Festival on Sunday, November 6th. Make plans to attend and enjoy a wonderful meal (Chicken & noodles) and walk around to the booths.
The 6th grade students will lead the rosary on Thursday, November 3rd after the 8:15 AM Mass. The rosary intention will be for the souls in purgatory. Please come and pray the rosary with the students.
All Souls Day
Students in grades K - 6 will attend Mass on Wednesday, November 2nd for All Souls Day.
All Saints Day
Tuesday, November 1st is All Saints Day. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be at 8:15 AM and 7:00 PM.
Students in grades K - 6 will process in with Fr. Ben at the 8:15 AM Mass. After the homily each "saint" will have an opportunity to tell those attending Mass which saint they have dressed up as. After Mass we will take a picture of our "saints" outside the church.
Then students will meet in the gym to give their saint presentation. ALL our invited to attend.
Students in grades K - 6 will process in with Fr. Ben at the 8:15 AM Mass. After the homily each "saint" will have an opportunity to tell those attending Mass which saint they have dressed up as. After Mass we will take a picture of our "saints" outside the church.
Then students will meet in the gym to give their saint presentation. ALL our invited to attend.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Our schedule for Friday, October 28th.....
There will be NO Mass on Friday, October 28th.
At 8:15 AM the 3rd grade class will lead the rosary. Our intention will be ......For those affected by drugs and their families.
After we pray the rosary....we will have our AR assembly in the gym.
At 2:00 PM will be our State Assessment Parade.
At 8:15 AM the 3rd grade class will lead the rosary. Our intention will be ......For those affected by drugs and their families.
After we pray the rosary....we will have our AR assembly in the gym.
At 2:00 PM will be our State Assessment Parade.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
State Assessment Parade
To honor the students of Holy Name Catholic School and their outstanding achievements on the Kansas State Assessments last spring, we will be having a parade on Friday, October 28 at 2:00 PM. The parade route will begin at 8th & Willow and travel north on Willow to Holy Name. The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders will be riding on floats, while the rest of the students line the street to applaud and cheer.
We are asking all parishioners, parents, family and friends to help make this a special event by also lining the parade route to honor these students for their hard work.
We are asking all parishioners, parents, family and friends to help make this a special event by also lining the parade route to honor these students for their hard work.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Barnes & Noble Book Fair @ Bradley Fair
Please support a special Book Fair that will benefit our School Library. You can help in two ways.
First, a portion of the proceeds from any on-line purchase you make on Saturday, November 12 will go to help the schools purchase new books for our library. Second, you can purchase any of the books listed on the Wish List available on our school website
Remember, the Holiday Season is approaching, and books make perfect gifts for family, friends, teachers and schools.
Information will be sent home about the Barnes & Noble Book Fair. You will find a Book Fair # to use when checking out.
Thank you for supporting Holy Name Catholic School!!!
First, a portion of the proceeds from any on-line purchase you make on Saturday, November 12 will go to help the schools purchase new books for our library. Second, you can purchase any of the books listed on the Wish List available on our school website
Remember, the Holiday Season is approaching, and books make perfect gifts for family, friends, teachers and schools.
Information will be sent home about the Barnes & Noble Book Fair. You will find a Book Fair # to use when checking out.
Thank you for supporting Holy Name Catholic School!!!
Friday, October 28th at 5:00 PM there will be a Virtus training. This training will be in Spanish and they will meet in the school library.
The 6th grade students will lead the rosary after Mass on Thursday, October 27th. The rosary intention this week is for those suffering with cancer.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
All Saints Day
Tuesday, November 1st is All Saints Day. All Saints Day is a Holy Day of obligation. Students in grades preschool - 6th will attend the 8:15 AM mass that day.
Students in grades K - 6 will dress up as a saint and process in with Fr. Ben at the beginning of Mass.
After Mass, students will return to the gym and give a short presentation about the saint they have been learning about.
Students in grades K - 6 will dress up as a saint and process in with Fr. Ben at the beginning of Mass.
After Mass, students will return to the gym and give a short presentation about the saint they have been learning about.
Parish Picnic
Holy Name parish picnic will be on Saturday, October 22nd after the 5:30 PM Mass. Eveyone is invited to attend. Bring a side dish!!!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday, October 20th for students in grades Preschool - 6th grade. Schedules were sent home on October 13th.
The 6th grade will lead the Rosary at 8:15 AM on Thursday, October 20th. The rosary intention will be for the poor.
Pizza Hut Day
Holy Name Catholic School Pizza Hut day is Tuesday, October 18th. Receipts may be left at the Pizza Hut in the basket marked for Holy Name or turn your receipts in to the school office. Thank you for supporting Holy Name Catholic School.
October 17
There will be NO school on Monday, October 17th. Teachers will be attending an in-service in Wichita.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week will be October 24 - 28....
Monday....Decorate classroom door
Tuesday....Sock it to Drugs Day "wear crazy socks"
Wednesday....Sign Pledge Banner
Thursday....Wear a red uniform shirt
Friday....Pray the rosary at 2:15 for those affected by drugs and their families.
Monday....Decorate classroom door
Tuesday....Sock it to Drugs Day "wear crazy socks"
Wednesday....Sign Pledge Banner
Thursday....Wear a red uniform shirt
Friday....Pray the rosary at 2:15 for those affected by drugs and their families.
Parish Picnic
There will be a parish picnic on Saturday, October 22nd after the 5:30 PM Mass in the gym. Bring your favorite side dish.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, October 20th. Please refer to schedule that will be sent home next week.
Pizza Hut Day
Holy Name Catholic School Pizza Hut day is Tuesday, October 18th. Please remember to put your receipt in the container at Pizza Hut or bring them by the school office.
Teacher Convention
Teachers will be attending meetings on Monday, October 17th in Wichita. There will be no school that day.
Just a reminder, that navy or khaki shorts (boys & girls) and the navy skort for girls may only be worn during the 1st and 4th nine weeks of school. Friday, October 14th ends the 1st nine weeks of school.
The 4th grade students will be leading the rosary on Friday, October 14th at 2:15 PM. All are invited to come and pray the rosary.
The 6th grade students will be praying the rosary on Thursday, October 13 after the 8:15 AM Mass. The rosary intention this week will be that all the teachers will be guided by the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
October is the month of the Rosary
Students at Holy Name Catholic School will pray the rosary each Friday during the month of October at 2:15 PM.
Praying the rosary
The 6th grade students will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass on Thursday, October 6th . The intention will be for all the seminarians, that they will continue to follow God's call.
LifeTouch Pictures will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Thursday, October 6th for picture "retakes" and 2-day preschool pictures.
Anti-Bullying Week
The week of October 3 - 9 has been declared Anti-Bullying Week. We are scheduling a few activities during this week for the students.
Praying the Rosary
The 6th grade will be praying the rosary on Thursday, September 29 after the 8:15 AM Mass. The intention this week is for the "unborn".
Wellness Committee
Holy Name Catholic School Wellness committee will meet at 5:00 PM in St. Joseph Hall on Wednesday, September 28th.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
AR Assembly
Our first AR Assembly will be Friday, September 30th after Mass. All are invited to attend.
Mexican Independence Day Celebration
The Together Committee will be preparing Mexican Food on Saturday, September 24th. The food will be available to purchase after the 5:30 PM Mass. Please come and join them in the gym. Tables will be set up for you to come and enjoy the food.
All proceeds will be given to Holy Name Catholic School.
All proceeds will be given to Holy Name Catholic School.
Holy Name Parish will provide a Virtus training on Saturday, September 24th at 8:30 AM. The training will be offered in English in the Parish Hall and Spanish in the Library.
The 6th grade students lead the rosary each Thursday after the 8:15 AM Mass. All are invited to come and pray the rosary with them.
Open House
Open House will be Tuesday, September 20th at 7:00 PM in the gym. HSA officers will give some updates on things that will be happening this year. The students in grades 1 - 6 will provide a short music program. They may wear their school uniform. Families will have an opportunity to visit the classrooms.
Boy/Girl Scout Presentation
Tuesday, September 20...a representative from Boy/Girl Scouts will be at Holy Name. There will be a short assembly at 8:30 AM in the gym for grades 1 - 5.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Some upcoming Virtus classes in SouthEast Kansas....
September 14...St. Patrick Parish in Parsons at 6:00 PM
September 18...St. Andrew Parish in Independence at 1:30 PM
September 24...Holy Name Parish in Coffeyville at 8:30 AM (English & Spanish)
September 24...St. John Parish in Iola at 9:00 AM
September 14...St. Patrick Parish in Parsons at 6:00 PM
September 18...St. Andrew Parish in Independence at 1:30 PM
September 24...Holy Name Parish in Coffeyville at 8:30 AM (English & Spanish)
September 24...St. John Parish in Iola at 9:00 AM
The 6th graders will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass on Thursday, September 8th. The intention this week will be for Zachary Pinaire that he will continue to listen and answer God's call to the priesthood.
MAP Testing
MAP testing will start on Tuesday, September 6th. The MAP schedule was sent home last week.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Nativity of Mary
The 6th grade class will lead a short prayer service on Thursday, September 8th at 12:30 to celebrate the Nativity of Mary.
Diocesan Standard of Excellence
Holy Name Catholic School earned Diocesan Standard of Excellence in the following areas....
Congratulations to the students and faculty for all their hard work and dedication!!!
Congratulations to the students and faculty for all their hard work and dedication!!!
Boy/Girl Scouts
We will have a representative from the Boy/Girl Scouts at Holy Name on September 20th. There will be a short assembly for the students in grades 1 - 5.
Sister Ursula
Sister Ursula will be visiting the students at Holy Name Catholic School on Wednesday, September 7th. She will be sharing with the students information about the Holy Childhood Association.
LifeTouch Pictures
LifeTouch will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Friday, September 2 to take individual and class pictures.
The 6th grade students will be leading the rosary each Thursday after the 8:15 AM Mass. Thursday, Sept 1 we will be praying the rosary for an increase in vocations.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
HSA Open House
HSA Open House will be on Tuesday, September 20th at 7:00 PM. We will start in the gym with news/updates from our HSA officers and then students in grades 1 - 6 will provide a short music program.
After the music program families may go visit the classrooms.
After the music program families may go visit the classrooms.
Altar Server Training
Altar Server Training will be Wednesday, September 14th at 9:30 AM for grades 3 - 6.
This is a reminder that ALL volunteers in Catholic Schools must attend Virtus training. This includes any parent who will have any interaction with a child in a Catholic School. For example, this would include parents who would like to volunteer to drive on a field trip or any parent who plans to work in a high school or grade school concession stand. There are many opportunities for Virtus training, please contact your parish coordinator or go to and click on "Registration" to find available training dates.
ALL volunteers that help with carnival this year will need to attend Virtus training. The school carnival is one of our biggest fund raisers.
Virtus training in Southeast Kansas....Sept 18th at 1:30 (St. Andrew in Independence) and Sept 24 at 8:30 AM (Holy Name Parish Hall (English) and Holy Name Library (Spanish).
ALL volunteers that help with carnival this year will need to attend Virtus training. The school carnival is one of our biggest fund raisers.
Virtus training in Southeast Kansas....Sept 18th at 1:30 (St. Andrew in Independence) and Sept 24 at 8:30 AM (Holy Name Parish Hall (English) and Holy Name Library (Spanish).
Praying the Rosary
The 6th grade class will lead the rosary after the 8:15 AM mass each Thursday. We will begin praying the rosary on Thursday, September 1st.
Everyone is invited to come and pray the rosary with the 6th graders.
Everyone is invited to come and pray the rosary with the 6th graders.
Classroom Visits
Father Ben will start classroom visits on Wednesday, August 24th. He will visit each class during the school year on Wednesday.
Welcome Back
Welcome Back!!!
We had a GREAT first week back at school.
We will continue to ask God to bless all of our efforts this year.
We had a GREAT first week back at school.
We will continue to ask God to bless all of our efforts this year.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
End of the 4th Nine Weeks
The end of the 4th nine weeks will be on Wednesday, May 25th. School will be dismissed at NOON. There will be NO Hot lunch or AM/PM bus that day.
Awards Assembly
There will be an Awards Assembly at 11:00 AM on Wednesday, May 25th at 11:00 AM for grades 1 - 5.
Kindergarten Graduation
The Kindergarten Graduation will be on Wednesday, May 25th at 10:30 AM. All are invited to attend.
Yearbook Signing
Students will have an opportunity to sign yearbooks on Wednesday, May 25th around 9:30 AM.
Passing the Light
We will have the Passing of the Light ceremony after the 8:15 AM Mass on Wednesday, May 25th. The 6th graders will be passing the light to the 5th grade students. All are invited to attend.
The 6th grade Promotion will be Tuesday, May 24th at 6:30 PM. After Mass there will be a reception in the gym.
CCC Presentation to 6th grade students
Jill Koslosky will be at Holy Name on Tuesday, May 24th to visit with the 6th grade students and parents about the 6th Grade Scholarship Program.
AR Lunch
We will have our AR Lunch on Monday, May 23rd at 11:30 in the gym. There will only be one lunch period that day.
Rice Bowls
I would like to thank everyone that participated in Operation Rice Bowl. We turned in a check for $579.82.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Holy Name Catholic School carnival will be Friday, May 6th at the school gym. The carnival will start at 6:00 PM.
During the month of May the students at Holy Name Catholic School will pray the rosary each Friday at 2:15 PM at the church.
Fitness Fun
The 6th grade students have planned an afternoon of "Fitness Fun" for grades K - 5. All school families are invited to attend. Fitness Fun will be Thursday, May 5th at 1:00 PM in the gym.
Alice Morris, principal at Roosevelt Middle School will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Thursday, May 5th to visit with the 6th graders about enrollment.
Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, May 4th at 6:30 PM in the gym. The main dish will be Mexican Food. Each family is asked to bring a side dish.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Church Cleaning
Saturday, April 16th at 9:00 AM there will be General Church Cleaning. Thank you for sharing your time and talent at Holy Name Parish.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Battle of the Books
Our Battle of the Book team will travel to Winfield to compete in the Battle of the Books.
Science State Assessments
Science State Assessments will be April 26th and April 27th for the 4th grade students.
Family Reading Night
Family Reading Night will be Tuesday, April 26th after the 6:30 PM Mass. We will meet in the gym around 7:10 PM to start our Reading activities. Everyone is invited to attend.
Rice Bowl
Students should return Rice Bowls to school on Monday, April 25th. Thank you for encouraging your child to help others.
Holy Week
The schedule for Holy Week....
- April 21....Holy Thursday Mass at 7:00 PM
- April 22....Good Friday (Stations of the Cross) at 3:00 PM.
- April 22....Good Friday (Passion/Veneration/Communion) at 7:00 PM
- April 23....Holy Saturday Mass at 8:00 PM
- April 24...Easter Sunday Mass at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM
Midterm for the 4th nine weeks will be Wednesday, April 20th. Mid-term reports will be sent home.
Food Basics Safety Class
There will be a Food Basics Safety Class on April 19th from 2:00 - 5:00 PM at Community Elementary School. This would be a wonderful opportunity to obtain your food handlers license and help in the lunchroom.
Math State Assessments
Students in grades 3, 4, 5, & 6 will take Math State Assessments beginning on April 11th.
Stations of the Cross
Holy Name Catholic School 6th grade students will lead the Stations of the Cross on Friday, April 8th at 2:15 PM.
Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, April 6th at 6:15 PM. Ham will be provided. Each family is asked to bring a side dish. From 7:00 - 8:00 PM there will be a Lenten Meditation Concert at the the church. Everyone is invited to attend.
State Assessments
Students in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 will start Reading State Assessments the week of April 4th.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Rice Bowls
As we begin our Lenten journey, you are invited to participate in Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl. Throughout Lent we will pray, fast, learn and give as a way to reach out in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world.
Rice Bowls will be sent home prior to Ash Wednesday and should be returned by Monday, April 25th.
Thank you for encouraging your child to help others.
Rice Bowls will be sent home prior to Ash Wednesday and should be returned by Monday, April 25th.
Thank you for encouraging your child to help others.
Vocation Banner
The 6th graders attended Vocation Day at St. Patrick's Catholic School in Parsons on Thursday, March 3rd and won 1st place for their Vocation Banner. Congratulations to the Holy Name Catholic School 6th graders!!!
The Vocation banner has been placed in the hallway near the 2nd grade classroom.
The Vocation banner has been placed in the hallway near the 2nd grade classroom.
Sindhu Venkat has qualified to represent Holy Name Catholic School and participate at the state level of the National Geographic Bee, sponsored by Google and Plum Creek. She will travel to Abilene on Friday, April 1st.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Stations of the Cross
Each Friday during Lent the school children will pray the Stations of Cross at 2:15 PM in the church.
Lenten Fasting and Abstinence Regulations
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting. Catholics who are ages 18 - 59 are obliged to fast, that is take only one full meal and two lesser meals, with nothing to eat in between meals.
Ash Wednesday, the Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday are days of abstaining from meat. All Catholics who are 14 years of age and older are obliged to abstain from eating meat.
Ash Wednesday, the Fridays of Lent, and Good Friday are days of abstaining from meat. All Catholics who are 14 years of age and older are obliged to abstain from eating meat.
Ash Wednesday
Holy Name Catholic School students will attend Mass on Wednesday, March 9th at 8:15 AM. All students will attend (preschool - 6th grade) Mass that day.
Generations of Faith will be at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, March 2nd. Father Nolan will present the "New Missal Practicum" that evening.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Pep Rally
Our Pep rally will be Wednesday, March 2nd at 2:15 PM in the gym. Every one is invited to attend.
VFW Assembly
Tuesday, February 22nd the VFW will be at Holy Name at 9:00 AM for a short assembly. The VFW will show the students how to fold the American flag.
Pizza Hut
Pizza Hut will donate to Holy Name School 20% of the total receipts turned in for February 21. Just leave your paid receipt in the jar on the counter by the cash register at Pizza Hut marked for Holy Name School that day or evening. You can also turn in the receipt by February 27 either to the school office or in the jar at the church entrance.
Free Dress
Monday, February 21st will be a "Free Dress" day for the students in grades K - 6. The $2.00 collected from free dress will go to the "Together Vision".
Sack Lunch
Just a reminder....Students will need to bring a sack lunch on Monday, February 21st. There will be NO Hot Lunch served that day.
Friday, February 11, 2011
"Walking in Sisters Shoes"
Holy Name Catholic School turned in $482. 62 for the "Walking in Sisters Shoes" project.
Thank you so much for your prayers and money given for this project.
Thank you so much for your prayers and money given for this project.
Free Dress
There will be a "Free Dress" ($2.00) on Monday, February 21st. The money collected for "Free Dress" will be given to the Together Vision.
School Council
There will be a School Council meeting on Wednesday, February 16th at 6:00 PM in St. Joseph's Room.
HSA Meeting
There will be a HSA meeting on Tuesday, February 15th at 7:00 PM at the Holy Name Catholic School Gym. Students in grades 1 - 6 will provide a short music program after the HSA meeting.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
February 9
Due to inclement weather...there will be NO school at Holy Name Catholic School on Wednesday, February 9, 2011.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February 3
There will be NO school at Holy Name Catholic School on Thursday, February 3...due to inclement weather.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February 2
There will be NO school on Wednesday, February 2 at Holy Name Catholic School...due to inclement weather.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
New Missal Practicum
Please mark your calendar....Fr. Mike Nolan from the Diocese of Wichita will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Wednesday, March 2 at 6:30 PM for Generations of Faith. His topic that evening will be the New Missal Practicum.
Standard of Excellence
Please stop by the school and notice our new "Standard of Excellence" sign. Our sign has been updated with all the 2009 - 2010 State Assessment information.
Our students worked very hard last year to earn Standard of Excellence in the different areas.
Our students worked very hard last year to earn Standard of Excellence in the different areas.
Childrens Choir
Friday, January 28th at 1:00 PM the Children's Choir will be at Holy Name to perform. Mark Gard is the director of the Children's Choir.
Everyone is invited to come and listen to the choir perform.
Everyone is invited to come and listen to the choir perform.
"I can" canister project
The "I can" canister project will end on Friday, January 28th. Students may bring their canisters to school and place in the shoebox located in their classroom. Money placed in the canisters will be given the the Drexel Fund and prayers written for our school will be read during Catholic Schools Week.
The 6th grade students will lead the Rosary on Thursday, January 27th after the 8:15 AM Mass. The intention for the rosary will be....that more people will answer the call to be priests or sisters.
Please come and pray the rosary with the 6th grade students.
Please come and pray the rosary with the 6th grade students.
Free Dress
Tuesday, January 25th will be a Free Dress Day. Students can bring $2.00 for "Free Dress" day and the money will be given to the Drexel Fund.
Ask your child to tell you about St. Katharine Drexel.
Ask your child to tell you about St. Katharine Drexel.
Pizza Hut Day
HSA has planned another Holy Name Catholic School Day at Coffeyville Pizza Hut on Monday February 21st all day. Enjoy the lunch buffet, plan to meet friends and family there, take carry-out home or have pizza, pasta and more delivered. They have "Big Monday" where you can order 2 medium pizzas (up to 3 toppings) for $6.00 each (must order two).
Just leave your paid receipt in the jar on the counter by the cash register at Pizza Hut marked for Holy Name Catholic School that day or evening. You can also turn in the receipt by February 27th either to the school office or in the jar at the church entrance.
Pizza Hut will donate to Holy Name Catholic School 20% of the total receipts turned in for February 21.
Just leave your paid receipt in the jar on the counter by the cash register at Pizza Hut marked for Holy Name Catholic School that day or evening. You can also turn in the receipt by February 27th either to the school office or in the jar at the church entrance.
Pizza Hut will donate to Holy Name Catholic School 20% of the total receipts turned in for February 21.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thursday, January 20
There will be NO School at Holy Name Catholic School on Thursday, January 20th due to the weather.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
HCA Advent Folders
We sent $167.99 to the missions office for the HCA Advent Folders. Thank you for encouraging your child to help others.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
"I can" help Canister Project
Students will receive a "I can" film canister on Tuesday, January 18th. Students can help by putting quarters in the canisters or writing a prayer for our school. The prayers will be read during Catholic Schools Week. The "I can" canisters should be returned by January 28th.
This is part of our "Walking in Sisters" project. Please ask your child about St. Katharine Drexel.
O Generous and loving Father,
You bless us with every good thing
And call us to share our abundance
With your children who have the least among us.
For there You are.
You blessed Katharine Drexel with wealth and social standing,
But she responded to your call by using her wealth
To establish Catholic Schools to teach the message of the Gospel
To those who had the least in her time,
African Americans and Native Americans
For there You were.
Through the intercession of St. Katharine Drexel,
We ask you to send your Spirit to inspire us to work for justice
For our Catholic School children and teachers
And for our parishes and schools
Who serve the least among us
For there You are.
We ask this through Your Son, Jesus
Who promised us that
When we serve the least among us,
There You will be.
This is part of our "Walking in Sisters" project. Please ask your child about St. Katharine Drexel.
O Generous and loving Father,
You bless us with every good thing
And call us to share our abundance
With your children who have the least among us.
For there You are.
You blessed Katharine Drexel with wealth and social standing,
But she responded to your call by using her wealth
To establish Catholic Schools to teach the message of the Gospel
To those who had the least in her time,
African Americans and Native Americans
For there You were.
Through the intercession of St. Katharine Drexel,
We ask you to send your Spirit to inspire us to work for justice
For our Catholic School children and teachers
And for our parishes and schools
Who serve the least among us
For there You are.
We ask this through Your Son, Jesus
Who promised us that
When we serve the least among us,
There You will be.
January 17
There will be NO school on Monday, January 17th. Teachers will have an In-service in the morning and be on retreat in the afternoon. Father Ben will lead the retreat for the teachers.
Catholic Schools Week Committee
The Catholic Schools Week Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 11th at 7:00 PM in the school library.
MAP Testing
MAP Testing for grades Kindergarten - 6th grade will be January 10 - 21st. Schedules have been sent home.
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