Saturday, February 27, 2010

Second Week of Lent -- The Transfiguration

Jesus' transfiguration was a moment of hope for the disciples, giving them the strength to endure the future sacrifices they would make as they formed the early Church. As we continue our journey with Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl, let us be mindful that our Lenten sacrifices help to give hope to our brothers and sisters in need.

First Confession

First Confession will be Wednesday, March 10th at 7:00 PM.

Band Recital

Tuesday, March 9th at 7:00 PM is the Band Recital at Holy Name Catholic School Gym.


Friday, March 5th ends the third nine weeks. Starting on Monday, March 8th, students may wear uniform shorts and the girls may wear the navy skorts.

Just a reminder…
Shorts must be knee length
Must be worn with a belt if shorts have loops.
Navy uniform shorts (K – 6)
Khaki uniform shorts (5th & 6th)

Please keep in mind that shorts and pants do not have to be purchased at Nado Alley. However, they must follow the guidelines that have been established. Keep this in mind when purchasing Navy or Khaki pants/shorts. They must match the color at NADO ALLEY.

Refer to the Holy Name Official Uniform guide in the Parent/Student handbook on page 19.

Adoration and Benediction

On Friday, March 5th there will be Adoration and Benediction after the 8:15 AM Mass.

First Sunday

First Sunday is March 7th. Those students that are participating in the 8:00 AM or 10:00 AM Mass information has been sent home.

End of the 3rd Nine Weeks

The 3rd nine weeks will end on Friday, March 5th.

Stations of the Cross

Each Friday during Lent the students pray the Stations of the Cross at 2:15 PM.

"Walking in Sisters Shoes"

During the offertory on Friday, March 5th one student from each class will take the money that has been contributed to the "Walking in Sisters Shoes" and place it in front of the altar.

Vocation Day

The 6th grade class will be going to St. Patrick's school in Parsons on Thursday, March 4th for Vocation Day.


During the month of March the prayer intention for the rosary will be "Pray that more young men from our parish will answer God's call to the Priesthood."

The students pray the rosary each Thursday morning after the 8:15 AM Mass.

Generations of Faith

Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, March 3rd at 6:30 PM. The main dish will be chicken & noodles and pulled pork. Please come and join us for a faith filled evening.

State Assessments

State Assessments will start this week. The 3/4 grade will take the Reading State Assessments on Wednesday, March 3 and Thursday, March 4.

Free Dress

Just a reminder...Monday, March 1st is a "Free Dress" ($2.00) day. The money collected will go to the St. Katharine Drexel Fund.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

First Week of Lent

In Luke's story of the temptation of Jesus we see how we can be tempted by wealth, power, and esteem just as He was. Lent calls us to focus on our faith life by living it in deeper ways. As we begin our journey with Catholic Relief Services' Operation Rice Bowl, let us pray and sacrifice so that through our faith life we can make a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters in need.

Vocation Posters

Students are working on Vocation Posters for the Knights of Columbus.

Free Dress

There will be a free dress ($2.00) on Monday, March 1st. The money collected from Free Dress will be given to the St. Katharine Drexel Fund.

February 26...Mass

There WILL BE Mass at 8:15 AM on Friday, February 26, 2010. The 6th grade class will do the Mass parts.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

NCA Visit

I would like to thank our School Council members and our student group that was part of our NCA visit on Wednesday, February 10th. The NCA team did an Exit report at the end of the day. We were told that they would be recommending accreditation for Holy Name Catholic School. We are waiting on our final report back from the NCA team.

Seminarians Education

Holy Name Catholic School sent $194.00 to help with the education of the Seminarians from the "Free Dress" that we had during Catholic Schools Week.

American Red Cross

The students presented the American Red Cross with a check in the amount of $195.60 from the aluminum cans that were recycled during Catholic Schools Week.

Reading/Math State Assessments Grade 6

The 6th grade will take Reading/Math State Assessments on the following dates...

Reading State Assessments
March 8
March 9
March 10

Math State Assessments
March 23
March 24
March 25

Reading/Math State Assessments Grade 5

The 5th grade will take their Reading & Math State Assessments on the following dates....

Reading State Assessments
March 9
March 10
March 11

Math State Assessments
March 24
March 25
March 26

Reading/Math State Assessments Grades 3/4

The 3/4 grade will be taking the Reading/Math/Science State Assessments on the following dates....

Reading State Assessments
March 3
March 4
March 10

Math State Assessments
March 24
March 25
March 26

Science State Assessments
April 14
April 15

AR Assembly

Our next AR assembly will be Friday, February 26th at 9:00 AM in the gym.

All are invited to attend.

Stations of the Cross (7:00 PM)

There will be Stations of the Cross each Friday evening at 7:00 PM.

Stations of the Cross

The school children will pray the Stations of the Cross at 2:15 PM each Friday afternoon. Please come and pray with the school children.

Ash Wednesday

The season of Lent will begin on Ash Wednesday (February 17th). All students, faculty and staff will attend Mass at 8:15 AM.

Sack Lunch

There will be NO hot lunch or AM/PM buses on Monday, February 15th. Students will need to bring a sack lunch.


There will be an HSA meeting on Tuesday, February 16 at 7:00 PM. We will have a short meeting starting at 7:00 PM followed by our guest speaker...Mrs. Gail Norton.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mark your calendars

State Assessments will be given during the months of March/April for grades 3 - 6.

Reading State Assessments will be given March 1 - 12 in grades 3 - 6.

Math State Assessments will be given March 22 - April 1 in grades 3 - 6.

Science State Assessments will be given April 12 - 23 in grade 4.

Stations of the Cross

The school children will pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent at 2:15 PM. Please join the students and pray the Stations of the Cross.

Ash Wednesday

The start of Lent will be February 17th (Ash Wednesday). All students at Holy Name Catholic School will attend the 8:15 AM Mass that day.


Our next HSA meeting will be Tuesday, February 16th at 7:00 PM. Gail Norton will be our guest speaker that evening. Her topic will be....Essentials of Disciplining the Middle Years (5-11).

St. Valentine Party

Our St. Valentine Party will be....

Thursday, Feb 11 for 2 day preschool.

Friday, Feb 12 for 3 day preschool - 6th grade.


During the month of February we will be praying the rosary for the sanctification of Priests. The school children pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM mass each Thursday.

Wednesday, February 10

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 our QAR team will be at Holy Name Catholic School. They will be reviewing our school profile data and Standards Assessment Report. Holy Name has completed another cycle with North Central Accreditation. This visit will determine our accreditation for another cycle with North Central.

During this visit, they will visit with our School Council members, students, and faculty/staff. Our QAR team will be at Holy Name Catholic School most of the day on February 10th.

As indicated on the school calendar, there will be NO school on Wednesday, February 10th.