Saturday, August 29, 2009

Open House

Tuesday, September 15th at 7:00 PM will be Open House at Holy Name Catholic School. The school children will sing a couple of songs that evening, followed by a HSA meeting and then parents and students will visit the classroom. All are invited to Open House.

Balloon Launch

VFW will have a balloon launch at Holy Name Catholic School on Friday, September 11th at 9:30 AM. Students will gather in the gym at 9:30 for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Flag ceremony. Students in PS - 6 will go outside and release balloons. In addition to remembering 9-11, it is also Patriot Day. All our invited to attend!!!

Holy Childhood Association

Sister Ursula will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Wednesday, September 9 at 12:30. She will be visiting with the students in grades K - 6 about the Holy Childhood Association and the importance of doing missionary work. Holy Name Catholic school students sent $655.55 to the Holy Childhood Association last year!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

AR Server

The AR server has now been set up in the Computer Lab. An entire class can come to the Computer Lab and each student can login and take an AR test.

Thank You....HSA

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stewardship Opportunity

We are still needing a few volunteers to help in the lunch room. If you could help wipe tables and sweep it would be greatly appreciated.

Just a reminder.....Volunteers must attend Virtus!!!


Just a reminder the school children are praying the rosary each Thursday after Mass. Our intention for the month of September will be..... Pray for our seminarians who are presently preparing for Holy Orders.

Generations of Faith

Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, September 2 at 6:30 PM in the school gym. Father Ben will be the speaker that evening and the topic will be Apologetics.

Ham will be served and each family is asked to bring a side dish.

All are invited to attend.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Open House

HSA Open House will be Tuesday, September 15th at 7:00 PM. The students in grades K - 6 will sing several songs that evening. Parents will have an opportunity to go to the classrooms.

Virtus at Holy Name

There will be a Virtus class at Holy Name on Saturday, September 12th from 1:00 - 4:00. The class will meet in the Parish Hall.

Please contact the school or rectory if you will be attending.

MAP testing

Map Testing will begin on Tuesday, September 8th. Students in grades K - 6 will MAP test. A schedule will be sent home.

Labor Day

No school on Labor Day...Monday, September 7th.

First Sunday

First Sunday sign-up sheets are due on Monday, August 24th. Please complete and return to school office.



There will be a Virtus class at St. Andrews parish in Independence on Sunday, August 30th at 1:30 PM.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Welcome Back!!

We are looking forward to another school year at Holy Name Catholic School. School will start on Monday, August 17th at 7:55 AM for Kindergarten - 6th grade students. When students arrive on Monday they are to report to their classroom.

Students will need to bring a sack lunch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

There will be no bus on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week.

Morning three-day preschool parents will meet on Monday, August 17th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Wednesday, August 19th at 7:55 AM.

Evening orientation will be on Monday, August 17th at 5:30 PM in the preschool classroom. The evening orientation is an option for parents that are unable to attend the morning session.

Two day preschool parents will meet on Tuesday, August 18th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Thursday, August 20th at 7:55 AM.

Classroom Visits

Father Ben will visit each classroom on Wednesday during the school year. He will spend 10 - 15 minutes in each classroom.

Year of the Priest

Holy Name Catholic School children will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass each Thursday during the school year. Our intention for the month of August will b...That more young men will answer the call to be priests.

Come and pray the rosary with the school children.


There will be a Virtus session at St. Andrews in Independence on Sunday, August 30 at 1:30 PM.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Preschool Orientation

Preschool parents will need to meet with Mrs. Herkleman for a short preschool orientation.

Two day preschool parents will meet on Tuesday, August 18th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Thursday, August 20th at 7:55 AM.

Morning three-day preschool parents will meet on Monday, August 17th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Wednesday, August 19th at 7:55 AM.

Evening orientation will be on Monday, August 17th at 5:30 PM in the preschool classroom. The evening orientation is an option for parents that are unable to attend the morning session.

New Family Orientation

New Family Orientation will be Wednesday, August 5th in the school library at 6:30 PM. Use the 4th street doors to enter the building.

If you have any questions...please call the school office at 251-0480.


School registration will be on Thursday, August 6th from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM in the school library. Please use the south door near the Parish Hall to enter the library.

Meetings with Father Ben will take place at the rectory. If you have not signed up to meet with Father Ben, the sign up sheet will be in the back of the church this weekend (August 1-2).

If you have any questions...please call the school office 251-0480.