Saturday, January 31, 2009

St. John Bosco Wellness Award

Mr. Bob Voboril, Superintendent of the Diocese of Wichita Catholic Schools presented the faculty and students the St. John Bosco Wellness Award. He was very pleased with the Wellness plan that we have at Holy Name.

Holy Name Catholic School Celebrates Service

This past Friday, we concluded our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, the time each year when we share with the parish and community the many ways our school makes a difference in our community while educating students in an atmosphere of faith and values. Father Ben, Mrs. Payne, faculty & Staff and students thank all of the families, parishioners, and volunteers who helped make our week special.

Generations of Faith

Generation of Faith will be Wednesday, February 4 at 6:30 PM. The sacrament that we will be studying is Holy Orders. Father Ben will be the speaker that evening. Altar Society will be providing Chicken & Noodles. Please bring a side dish for dinner at 6:30 PM.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Yearbook money and order form due by Friday, January 30th. The cost of the yearbook is $12.00.

Parent/Grandparent Lunch

We have rescheduled the Parent/Grandparent Lunch for Thursday, January 29th at 11:30 AM. Following lunch the students in grade (K - 6) will sing a few songs that they have been working on in Music class.

At 1:00 PM Mr. Bob Voboril, Superintendent for the Diocese of Wichita will be at Holy Name Catholic School.

After Mr. Voboril's presentation...we will start the Religion Bowl.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Muffins for Dad/Grandpa

We will plan on muffins for Dad/Grandpa on Thursday, January 29th at 7:15 AM.

Tuesday, January 27th

Due to the weather....there will be NO school on Tuesday, January 27th.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Sunday

Sunday, February 1st is First Sunday. Mass at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM with the Holy Name School Children.

Close of Catholic Schools Week

Saturday, January 31st.

Mass at 5:30 PM with the Holy Name School Children.

Celebrate Service: In our Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers

Friday, January 30

Spelling Bee at 9:00 AM in the gym.

Announce the winner of the Aluminum can project at 1:30 PM.

Demonstration of various PE activities at 1:30 PM.

Celebrate Service: In our Vocation

Thursday, January 29

Read a book with our Mass Partners and 6th grade with the preschool class.

Special Presentation and Religion Bowl at 1:00 PM in the gym.

Celebrate Service: In our Nation

Wednesday, January 28th

Flag Ceremony after the 8:15 AM Mass...Holy Name Girl Scouts

Magic Show at 9:30 AM with Mr. Pete Walterscheid.

Celebrate Service: In Our Students

Tuesday, January 27th

Muffins for dad/grandpa at 7:15 AM in the Holy Name Catholic School gym.

Parents/Grandparents are invited to eat lunch with students at 11:30 AM.

After lunch...short music performance (Grades K - 6)

Mr. Bob Voboril...Superintendent of Catholic Schools will be at Holy Name Catholic School at 1:00 PM. Please come and meet our Superintendent.

Celebrate Service: In Our Community

Monday, January 26th

Muffins for mom/grandma at 7:15 AM in the Holy Name Catholic School gym.

Bring $2.00 for Free will be used to purchase phone cards for U.S. troops.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wellness Activity

We will be playing volleyball in the gym on Tuesday, January 20th after the 6:30 PM Mass. Please come and join us!!!!

LifeTouch Pictures

LifeTouch will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Tuesday, January 20th to take pictures for the yearbook.

MAP Testing

Map Testing will continue this week (January 20 - 23). Please check the schedule to see when your child will be testing this week.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yearbook Order Forms

If you would like to order a yearbook...please complete the yearbook order form. The cost of the yearbook is $12.00.

HCA Advent Folders

We collected $204.55 for the missions.

Thank You!!!

Catholic Schools Week Information

Just a reminder....If you will be eating with your child during Catholic Schools Week at the Parent/Grandparent luncheon please return form and money (if eating Hot Lunch) by Friday, January 16th.

If your child would like to pass our Catholic Schools Week buttons or participate in the Mass during Catholic Schools week please return form by Friday, January 16th.

HSA t-shirt order form due by Friday, January 16th.

Friday, January 2, 2009

MAP Testing

MAP testing will begin January 12 - January 23rd.

Generations of Faith

Wednesday, January 7th at 6:30 PM will be the next Generations of Faith. The topic for the evening will be on marriage.

Please come and join us!!!

Welcome Back!!!

Just a reminder that school will resume on Monday, January 5th. There will be NO hot lunch that day so students will need to bring a sack lunch. Also, there will be NO AM/PM buses that day.