The Mass Schedule for the Solemnity of Mary (Holy Day of Obligation)
December 31....Mass at 5:30 PM
January 1....Mass at 9:00 AM
January 1....Mass at 7:00 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Mass Schedule
Mass Schedule for Christmas.....
December 24....Christmas Vigil at 5:30 PM
December 25....Midnight
December 25....9:00 AM
December 24....Christmas Vigil at 5:30 PM
December 25....Midnight
December 25....9:00 AM
Schedule of Confessions prior to Christmas....
Tuesday, December 22....5:30 - 6:30 PM
Wednesday, December 23....11:00 AM - Noon
Thursday, December 24....11:00 AM - Noon
Tuesday, December 22....5:30 - 6:30 PM
Wednesday, December 23....11:00 AM - Noon
Thursday, December 24....11:00 AM - Noon
Saturday, December 5, 2009
We have placed the Manger near the office. If students would like to make cards or bring baby gifts for Baby Jesus they may do so. On Monday, December 21st at 1:00 PM a representative from the Midwest Pregnancy Center will come to Holy Name Catholic School so that the students may present the baby gifts to the representative.
Geography Bee
The Geography Bee will be on Wednesday, December 16th at 1:00 PM in the school gym. Grades 4 - 6 will participate in the Geography Bee.
Journey Stories
The 5th grade students will be going to Parsons on Friday, December 11th to view an exhibit called Journey Stories.
Praying the Rosary
During the month of December the students will be praying the rosary that more young men will hear and answer God's call to the priesthood.
We pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass each Thursday.
We pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass each Thursday.
Just a reminder....
Starting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, December 9th the High School students will have an opportunity to go to confession.
Then from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on Wednesday, December 9th the PSR students and parish will have an opportunity to go to confession
Starting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, December 9th the High School students will have an opportunity to go to confession.
Then from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on Wednesday, December 9th the PSR students and parish will have an opportunity to go to confession
The Holy Name Catholic School children in grades 3 - 6 will have an opportunity to go to confession on Wednesday, December 9th starting at 9:30 AM.
Immaculate Conception
Tuesday, December 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation. The students (PS - 6) & faculty will be attending Mass at 8:15 AM. There will be an evening Mass at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, December 8th.
Vigil Immaculate Conception
The Vigil of the Immaculate Conception Mass will be at 7:00 PM on Monday, December 7th.
Health Department
The Montgomery County Health Department will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Monday, December 7th at 9:30 AM. Notes were sent home to those parents who had signed H1N1 consent forms.
If you indicated that you would like to be with your child when they get the will need to be here at 9:30 AM.
If you indicated that you would like to be with your child when they get the will need to be here at 9:30 AM.
Life Touch Pictures
Life Touch will come and take a variety of pictures on Monday, December 7th for the 2009-2010 yearbook.
Advent Service
The 6th grade students will lead an Advent Service on Monday, December 7th at 8:30 AM in the gym. All are invited to the Advent Service.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The school children pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass each Thursday. The intention for the month of December will be.....Pray that more young men will hear and answer God's call to the Priesthood.
Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, December 2 at 6:30 PM.
Father Ben will be the speaker that evening and his topic will be "Apologetics".
The main dish will be "Ham".
Come for a faith filled evening!!!
Father Ben will be the speaker that evening and his topic will be "Apologetics".
The main dish will be "Ham".
Come for a faith filled evening!!!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Geography Bee
The Geography Bee will be on Wednesday, December 16th at 1:00 PM in the gym.
All are invited to attend.
All are invited to attend.
Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception is a Holy Day of Obligation.
Mass schedule....
Monday, December 7th at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, December 8th at 8:15 AM and 7:00 PM
Mass schedule....
Monday, December 7th at 7:00 PM
Tuesday, December 8th at 8:15 AM and 7:00 PM
St Nicholas Party
St. Nicholas Party will be....
2-day preschool will be on Thursday, December 3.
3-day preschool - 6th grade will be on Friday, December 4th at 2:15 PM.
2-day preschool will be on Thursday, December 3.
3-day preschool - 6th grade will be on Friday, December 4th at 2:15 PM.
Generations of Faith
The next Generation of Faith will be on Wednesday, December 2 at 6:30 PM in the gym. Please come and join us for a faith filled evening.
Advent Service
During the Advent season the 6th grade students will lead an Advent service at 8:30 AM in the gym. Our first Advent Service will be on Monday, November 30.
Please come and join us for the Advent Service.
Please come and join us for the Advent Service.
Regan Institute
The teachers will be going to the Regan Institute on Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24 at Pittsburg. Each teacher must take Religion classes for their Religion certification.
There will be NO school the week of November 23 - 27.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!
There will be NO school the week of November 23 - 27.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Thanksgiving Mass
The school children will have their Thanksgiving Mass on Friday, November 20 at 8:15 AM. At offertory the children will present their canned goods as their offering.
AR Assembly
There will be an AR assembly after the 8:15 AM Mass on Friday, November 20th.
All are invited to attend.
All are invited to attend.
Praying the Rosary
The school children pray the rosary each Thursday after the 8:15 AM Mass. During the month of November our intention is....That more young men from our parish will answer God's call to the Priesthood.
Come and pray the rosary with the school children.
Come and pray the rosary with the school children.
School Council
School Council will meet at 6:00 PM on Wednesday, November 18th in St. Joseph's Room.
We will have our HSA meeting on Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 PM. There will be a short meeting and then Gail Norton will be our guest speaker. Mrs. Norton will present on "Avoiding Power Struggles with Kids".
Saturday, November 7, 2009
AR Assembly
Our AR assembly for the month of November will be Friday, November 20th after the 8:15 AM Mass. All are invited to attend.
Thanksgiving Mass
Friday, November 20th will be our Thanksgiving Mass at 8:15 AM. Students may bring canned goods to place in front of the altar.
Just a reminder....Tuesday, November 17 will be our next HSA meeting at 7:00 PM. We will have a guest speaker that evening. Mrs. Gail Norton will present on Avoiding Power Struggles with Kids.
Mid-term grades will be sent home by Friday, November 13th. Please sign the report and return to school.
National Young Readers Week
The week of November 9 - 13th is National Young Readers Week. During the week each class will have a "Celebrity" reader come and read a book to them.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Congratulations to the following students for being the top sellers in the candle Fall fundraiser for HSA.
Traven Lettermen...1st Place (Preschool - 2nd grade)
Alex Roman......2nd Place (Preschool - 2nd grade)
Lauren Roberts....1st Place (3rd - 6th grade)
Emma Herkelman....2nd Place (3rd - 6th grade).
Traven Lettermen...1st Place (Preschool - 2nd grade)
Alex Roman......2nd Place (Preschool - 2nd grade)
Lauren Roberts....1st Place (3rd - 6th grade)
Emma Herkelman....2nd Place (3rd - 6th grade).
Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, November 4th at 6:30 PM at Holy Name Catholic School gym. All are invited to attend.
Father Ben will be the speaker that evening.
Father Ben will be the speaker that evening.
All Souls Day
The students in grades 1 - 6 will be attending Mass at 8:15 AM on Monday, November 2nd for All Souls day.
There will be an evening Mass at 7:00 PM.
There will be an evening Mass at 7:00 PM.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
H1N1 Vaccine Information
Information was sent home to each family on Friday, October 23rd about the H1N1 vaccine. If you have any questions...please contact the school office.
Fall Festivial
The Fall Festival is Sunday, November 1st at Holy Name Catholic Gym. Please come and enjoy a wonderful meal and walk around to the different booths.
First Sunday
Sunday, November 1st is First Sunday. Students at the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses will do the Mass parts.
Assigned parts have been sent home.
Assigned parts have been sent home.
Friday, October 30th
Just a reminder....Friday, October 30th is when the students (K - 6) will dress up like the saint that they have been researching. The students will process in with Father Ben at the 8:15 AM Mass. After Mass, we will take a picture of the "Holy Name Catholic School Saints" and then go to the gym for the Saint presentations. After the presentations each student will receive a snack. Please come an join us!!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Standard of Excellence
Holy Name Catholic School received Standard of Excellence for the 2008-2009 school year in the following areas.....
Standard of Excellence....4th grade Reading
Standard of Excellence....3rd grade Math, 4th grade Math, and 6th grade Math.
Building Level Standard of Excellence....Math
Building Level Standard of Excellence....Writing
Standard of Excellence....4th grade Reading
Standard of Excellence....3rd grade Math, 4th grade Math, and 6th grade Math.
Building Level Standard of Excellence....Math
Building Level Standard of Excellence....Writing
Wellness Night
Our first Wellness Night will be Tuesday, October 27th after the 6:30 PM Mass. Our activity will be Yoga...taught by Mrs. Nancy Burrows of our parish. Please come and join us!!
October 23
Just a reminder....There will be NO hot lunch or NO AM/PM bus on Friday, October 23rd.
Students will need to bring a sack lunch that day.
Students will need to bring a sack lunch that day.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences will be on Thursday, October 22nd. Schedules were sent home last week.
Picture Retakes
LifeTouch Pictures will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Tuesday, October 20th at 10:00 AM. Individual and class picture for the 2-day preschool class will be that day. Students in 3-day preschool and Kindergarten - 6th grade it will be picture retake day.
Red Ribbon Week
We celebrate Red Ribbon Week to inform and encourage the children and those around us to stay Drug Free. We will be doing the activities listed below during the week of October 19 – 23, 2009.
Monday, October 19……Door Decoration
Tuesday, October 20…..Sock It To Drugs Day (Wear Crazy Socks)
Wednesday, October 21…Sign Pledge Banner
Thursday, October 22…….Wear Red Shirt
Friday, October 23 ……Pray the Rosary for those affected by drugs & their families
Monday, October 19……Door Decoration
Tuesday, October 20…..Sock It To Drugs Day (Wear Crazy Socks)
Wednesday, October 21…Sign Pledge Banner
Thursday, October 22…….Wear Red Shirt
Friday, October 23 ……Pray the Rosary for those affected by drugs & their families
Saturday, October 10, 2009
October 23
Just a reminder...NO hot lunch and No bus on Friday, October 23rd. Students will need to bring a sack lunch that day.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be on Thursday, October 22nd. Schedules will be sent home soon.
Red Ribbon Week
Holy Name Catholic School will celebrate Red Ribbon Week to inform and encourage the children and those around us to stay Drug Free. We will be doing the activities listed below during the week of October 19 – 23, 2009.
Monday, October 19……Door Decoration
Tuesday, October 20…..Sock It To Drugs Day (Wear Crazy Socks)
Wednesday, October 21…Sign Pledge Banner
Thursday, October 22…….Wear Red Shirt
Friday, October 23 ……..Pray the Rosary for those affected by drugs & their families
Monday, October 19……Door Decoration
Tuesday, October 20…..Sock It To Drugs Day (Wear Crazy Socks)
Wednesday, October 21…Sign Pledge Banner
Thursday, October 22…….Wear Red Shirt
Friday, October 23 ……..Pray the Rosary for those affected by drugs & their families
End of the 1st Nine Weeks
Just a reminder....that navy or khaki shorts (Boys & Girls) and the navy skort for girls may only be worn during the 1st and 4th nine weeks of school. Friday, October 16th ends the 1st nine weeks of school.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Instrumental Recital
Holy Name Catholic School will have an instrumental recital on Tuesday, October 13 at 7:00 PM in the gym. Come and enjoy the students sharing their musical talents.
All are invited to attend.
All are invited to attend.
Parish Picnic
Holy Name Parish picnic will be Sunday, October 11th at 6:00 PM. Bring a covered dish. All are invited to attend.
Month of the Rosary
October is the month of the Rosary. The school children pray the rosary each Friday during October at 2:15 PM. Our prayer intention each Friday is....Pray for the unborn.
Come and pray the rosary each Friday afternoon during the month of October.
Come and pray the rosary each Friday afternoon during the month of October.
Pray the Rosary
The school children pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass each Thursday. The prayer intention for October is....Pray for the sanctification of Priests.
All are invited to pray the Rosary each Thursday with the school children.
All are invited to pray the Rosary each Thursday with the school children.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
First Sunday
First Sunday is October 4th. Mass parts have been sent home for the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Evening with the Principal
An Evening with the Principal is scheduled for Tuesday, September 29th at 5:30 PM. If you have questions on how to login in to Powerschool, questions about MAP results, or just have a question about the school or a concern...plan on attending.
Use the 4th Street doors to enter the building!!!
Use the 4th Street doors to enter the building!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
First Friday
Friday, October 2 is First Friday....after Mass there will be Adoration and Benediction.
Praying the Rosary for Vocations
The school children pray the rosary each Thursday after the 8:15 AM Mass. During the month of October the intention will be...Pray for the sanctification of Priests.
Praying the Rosary
During the month of October the school children will pray the rosary each Friday afternoon at 2:15 PM at the church. All are invited to come and pray the rosary with the school children.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Kitchen Cleaning
We will be cleaning the school kitchen on Saturday, October 17th at 9:00 AM. We need volunteers to help with this project.
Parish Picnic
Please mark your calendar....There will be a Parish Picnic on October 11th at 6:00 PM.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
School Website
Our new school website has been published. Please check it out at
Thursday, September 17, 2009
School Pictures
LifeTouch will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Monday, September 21st for both individual and class pictures.
School Telephone
The school telephone is not working (Thursday, September 17). Repairman has been called. If you call the school and there is no answer...please call the rectory and leave a message (251-0475).
I will update the blog to let you know the status of the phone.
I will update the blog to let you know the status of the phone.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Evening with the Principal
Evening with the Principal will be Tuesday, September 29th at 5:30 PM. It will be an opportunity for parents to ask questions.
AR Assembly
Our first AR assembly for this school year will be on Friday, September 25th at 9:00 AM in the gym.
LifeTouch Pictures
LifeTouch will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Monday, September 21st for individual and class pictures. More information will be sent home.
Catechetical Sunday
This year, Catechetical Sunday, September 20, 2009, will focus on the theme, “Catechesis and the Proclamation of the Word.” Those who have been designated by the community to serve as catechists will be called forth to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. Catechetical Sunday is an opportunity for all to rededicate themselves to this mission as a community of faith. (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops)
Catholic School teachers and PSR teachers will be recognized at the 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday, September 20th.
Catholic School teachers and PSR teachers will be recognized at the 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday, September 20th.
School Council
Holy Name Catholic School Council will meet on Wednesday, September 16th at 6:00 PM in St. Joseph's Room.
Mid-Term Reports
Mid-Term grades will be sent home on Wednesday, September 16th. Please sign and return grades back to the classroom teacher.
HSA Open House
Tuesday, September 15th at 7:00 PM will be Open House at Holy Name Catholic School. The school children will sing a couple of songs that evening, followed by a HSA meeting and then parents and students will visit the classroom. All are invited to Open House.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Labor Day
Monday, September 7th is Labor Day...there will be NO school that day.
MAP testing will start on Tuesday, September 8th. Schedules were sent home this week.
MAP testing will start on Tuesday, September 8th. Schedules were sent home this week.
First Sunday
Sunday, September 6th is First Sunday. The school children will do the Mass parts at the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses.
First Friday
Friday, September 4 is First Friday. After the 8:15 AM Mass there will be Benediction and Adoration.
There will be two Virtus classes in SE Kansas....
Saturday, September 12th at 1:00 PM in the Parish Hall at Holy Name Catholic School in Coffeyville.
Sunday, September 13th at 1:30 PM at St. Andrew Parish in Independence.
Saturday, September 12th at 1:00 PM in the Parish Hall at Holy Name Catholic School in Coffeyville.
Sunday, September 13th at 1:30 PM at St. Andrew Parish in Independence.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Open House
Tuesday, September 15th at 7:00 PM will be Open House at Holy Name Catholic School. The school children will sing a couple of songs that evening, followed by a HSA meeting and then parents and students will visit the classroom. All are invited to Open House.
Balloon Launch
VFW will have a balloon launch at Holy Name Catholic School on Friday, September 11th at 9:30 AM. Students will gather in the gym at 9:30 for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Flag ceremony. Students in PS - 6 will go outside and release balloons. In addition to remembering 9-11, it is also Patriot Day. All our invited to attend!!!
Holy Childhood Association
Sister Ursula will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Wednesday, September 9 at 12:30. She will be visiting with the students in grades K - 6 about the Holy Childhood Association and the importance of doing missionary work. Holy Name Catholic school students sent $655.55 to the Holy Childhood Association last year!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
AR Server
The AR server has now been set up in the Computer Lab. An entire class can come to the Computer Lab and each student can login and take an AR test.
Thank You....HSA
Thank You....HSA
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Stewardship Opportunity
We are still needing a few volunteers to help in the lunch room. If you could help wipe tables and sweep it would be greatly appreciated.
Just a reminder.....Volunteers must attend Virtus!!!
Just a reminder.....Volunteers must attend Virtus!!!
Just a reminder the school children are praying the rosary each Thursday after Mass. Our intention for the month of September will be..... Pray for our seminarians who are presently preparing for Holy Orders.
Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, September 2 at 6:30 PM in the school gym. Father Ben will be the speaker that evening and the topic will be Apologetics.
Ham will be served and each family is asked to bring a side dish.
All are invited to attend.
Ham will be served and each family is asked to bring a side dish.
All are invited to attend.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Open House
HSA Open House will be Tuesday, September 15th at 7:00 PM. The students in grades K - 6 will sing several songs that evening. Parents will have an opportunity to go to the classrooms.
Virtus at Holy Name
There will be a Virtus class at Holy Name on Saturday, September 12th from 1:00 - 4:00. The class will meet in the Parish Hall.
Please contact the school or rectory if you will be attending.
Please contact the school or rectory if you will be attending.
MAP testing
Map Testing will begin on Tuesday, September 8th. Students in grades K - 6 will MAP test. A schedule will be sent home.
First Sunday
First Sunday sign-up sheets are due on Monday, August 24th. Please complete and return to school office.
There will be a Virtus class at St. Andrews parish in Independence on Sunday, August 30th at 1:30 PM.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Welcome Back!!
We are looking forward to another school year at Holy Name Catholic School. School will start on Monday, August 17th at 7:55 AM for Kindergarten - 6th grade students. When students arrive on Monday they are to report to their classroom.
Students will need to bring a sack lunch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
There will be no bus on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week.
Morning three-day preschool parents will meet on Monday, August 17th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Wednesday, August 19th at 7:55 AM.
Evening orientation will be on Monday, August 17th at 5:30 PM in the preschool classroom. The evening orientation is an option for parents that are unable to attend the morning session.
Two day preschool parents will meet on Tuesday, August 18th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Thursday, August 20th at 7:55 AM.
Students will need to bring a sack lunch on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
There will be no bus on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week.
Morning three-day preschool parents will meet on Monday, August 17th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Wednesday, August 19th at 7:55 AM.
Evening orientation will be on Monday, August 17th at 5:30 PM in the preschool classroom. The evening orientation is an option for parents that are unable to attend the morning session.
Two day preschool parents will meet on Tuesday, August 18th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Thursday, August 20th at 7:55 AM.
Classroom Visits
Father Ben will visit each classroom on Wednesday during the school year. He will spend 10 - 15 minutes in each classroom.
Year of the Priest
Holy Name Catholic School children will pray the rosary after the 8:15 AM Mass each Thursday during the school year. Our intention for the month of August will b...That more young men will answer the call to be priests.
Come and pray the rosary with the school children.
Come and pray the rosary with the school children.
There will be a Virtus session at St. Andrews in Independence on Sunday, August 30 at 1:30 PM.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Preschool Orientation
Preschool parents will need to meet with Mrs. Herkleman for a short preschool orientation.
Two day preschool parents will meet on Tuesday, August 18th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Thursday, August 20th at 7:55 AM.
Morning three-day preschool parents will meet on Monday, August 17th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Wednesday, August 19th at 7:55 AM.
Evening orientation will be on Monday, August 17th at 5:30 PM in the preschool classroom. The evening orientation is an option for parents that are unable to attend the morning session.
Two day preschool parents will meet on Tuesday, August 18th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Thursday, August 20th at 7:55 AM.
Morning three-day preschool parents will meet on Monday, August 17th at 8:00 AM in the preschool classroom. First day of class will be Wednesday, August 19th at 7:55 AM.
Evening orientation will be on Monday, August 17th at 5:30 PM in the preschool classroom. The evening orientation is an option for parents that are unable to attend the morning session.
New Family Orientation
New Family Orientation will be Wednesday, August 5th in the school library at 6:30 PM. Use the 4th street doors to enter the building.
If you have any questions...please call the school office at 251-0480.
If you have any questions...please call the school office at 251-0480.
School registration will be on Thursday, August 6th from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM in the school library. Please use the south door near the Parish Hall to enter the library.
Meetings with Father Ben will take place at the rectory. If you have not signed up to meet with Father Ben, the sign up sheet will be in the back of the church this weekend (August 1-2).
If you have any questions...please call the school office 251-0480.
Meetings with Father Ben will take place at the rectory. If you have not signed up to meet with Father Ben, the sign up sheet will be in the back of the church this weekend (August 1-2).
If you have any questions...please call the school office 251-0480.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
First Day of School
Holy Name Catholic School first day of school will be Monday, August 17th at 7:55 AM. There will be NO AM/PM bus or hot lunch on August 17, August 18, and August 19. Students will need to bring a sack lunch on those days.
All volunteers who have regular contact with the students must attend Virtus training. If you plan on helping in the lunch room, computer helper, library, AR, help with classroom parties, assist in the classroom, drive on field trips, supervise or chaperone on field trips, etc. you must attend Virtus training. After attending the class, the only other requirement is to register online that you attended.
The following Virtus training has been scheduled at Holy Name on Saturday, August 8th from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM. The English session will be held in the Parish Hall. The Spanish session will be held in the Library. Call 251-0475 or 251-0480 to register.
The following Virtus training has been scheduled at Holy Name on Saturday, August 8th from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM. The English session will be held in the Parish Hall. The Spanish session will be held in the Library. Call 251-0475 or 251-0480 to register.
Sign-up Sheet
There will be a clipboard in the back of the church with a sign up sheet for all school families (K - 6) to schedule a time to meet with Father Ben on Thursday, August 6th. Father Ben will meet with each family at the rectory on registration day. The sign up sheets will be available in the back of the church the following weekends (July 18/19, July 25/26, and Aug 1/2).
Registration Letter
Letters were mailed to ALL Holy Name Catholic School families on Friday, July 17th.
Information about registration, fees, immunization, uniforms and HSA volunteer form was mailed to each school family. If you have any questions about the packet...please contact the school office at 251-0480.
Information about registration, fees, immunization, uniforms and HSA volunteer form was mailed to each school family. If you have any questions about the packet...please contact the school office at 251-0480.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Holy Name Catholic School is still taking enrollment for the 4-year old Preschool Class. This class meets 3 days a week (Monday, Wednesday, & Friday) for three hours. For more information contact the school office at 251-0480,
Reading/Math Camp
Holy Name Catholic School Reading & Math Camp will be July 13 - 24 for grades 1 - 6. Students will meet each day from 9:00 AM - NOON. Please use the Willow Street doors to enter the building.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Nado Alley
Nado Alley is offering 20% off all Holy Name Catholic School uniform items during the months of June and July.
Information was sent to each school family in June.
Information was sent to each school family in June.
Virtus Training: Saturday, August 8th from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM at Holy Name Catholic School. The English session will be held in the Parish Hall. The Spanish session will be held in the school library. Please call 251-0475 or 251-0480 to register.
Volunteers must have Virtus training to help at the school.
Volunteers must have Virtus training to help at the school.
Holy Name Catholic School registration will be Thursday, August 6th from 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM in the school library. Registration information will be mailed to each family during the month of July.
New Family Orientation
There will be a new family orientation meeting on Monday, July 27th at 6:30 or Wednesday, August 5 at 6:30. This is an opportunity for new families at Holy Name Catholic School to come to the school and meet the principal. Some of the topics that will be covered that evening will be: Wellness Policy, Security System, Uniforms, HSA Volunteer form, Virtus, and the school handbook. Those attending will have an opportunity to ask questions that they may have about Holy Name Catholic School.
We will meet in the school library. Enter the building using the 4th street doors. If you have any questions prior to orientation, feel free to call Mrs. Payne at 251-0480.
We will meet in the school library. Enter the building using the 4th street doors. If you have any questions prior to orientation, feel free to call Mrs. Payne at 251-0480.
School Supply List
Holy Name Catholic School supply list will be placed in the back of the church during the month of July.
School supply lists can also be picked up at the school office.
School supply lists can also be picked up at the school office.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Last Day of School
The last day of school will be Friday, May 22nd at NOON. There will be no lunch served or PM bus.
Enjoy your summer!!!
Enjoy your summer!!!
Awards Assembly
There will be an awards assembly for grades K - 5 at 11:15 in the gym. All are invited to attend.
Kindergaten Graduation
Kindergarten graduation will be Friday, May 22nd at 10:30 AM in the gym. All are invited to attend.
Preschool Awards
Preschool students will have an awards assembly at 8:15 AM on Friday, May 22nd in the gym. All are invited to attend.
6th Grade Promotion
The 6th grade promotion will be Thursday, May 21st at 6:00 PM. Mass will be at 6:00 PM and then a reception to follow.
Yearbooks will be distributed on Thursday, May 21st and students will have an opportunity to sign yearbooks on Friday morning.
Those students that reached their AR Goal for the 2nd semester will participate in a Fiesta on Thursday, May 21st at 11:30 AM. There will only be one lunch period that day. Lunch will be at 11:30 AM.
AR Assembly
The last AR Assembly for the year will be Wednesday, May 20th after the 8:15 AM Mass. All are invited to attend!!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Field Day
Field Day for K -6 will be Friday, May 15th. Lunch will start at 12:00 (Noon) and field day events will start at 1:00 PM. All are invited to attend.
Preschool Field Day (3 day AM/PM)
Field day for 3-day classes will be on Friday, May 15th at 9:15 AM.
Preschool (2-day) Field Day
Field Day for 2-day Preschool students will be on Thursday, May 14th at 9:15 AM.
The FKHS Soundwaves will be performing at Holy Name Catholic School at 1:00 PM on Thursday, May 14th. All are invited to attend.
Community Children's Choir
The Community Children's Choir will be at Holy Name Catholic School at 1:00 PM on Tuesday, May 12th. All are invited to attend.
6th Grade Enrollment
Mrs. Morris, principal from Roosevelt Middle School will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Monday, May 11th to begin the enrollment process for the 6th grade students. Mrs. Morris will be here at 9:00 AM.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
St. Joseph
We have a beautiful picture of St. Joseph and the child Jesus near the school office. Next to the picture are two plaques with the name of each Sister of St. Joseph that served at Holy Name Parish.
The picture of St. Joseph will be blessed by Father Ben after the Spring Concert on Tuesday, May 5th.
The picture of St. Joseph will be blessed by Father Ben after the Spring Concert on Tuesday, May 5th.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Let's Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week - May 4th through May 8th. We will be celebrating all the wonderful things our teachers do for us each day, by doing little things for them next week. The following are some suggestions for each day.
Monday: Bring your teacher a flower
-Potted plant
-Draw a picture of a flower for your teacher
Tuesday: Bring your teacher her favorite treat.
-Flavored tea
-A piece of chocolate
-A piece of fruit
Wednesday: Tell your teacher how much you appreciate her!
-Make her a card
-Draw her a picture
-Write her a poem
Thursday: Teacher Breakfast/Luncheon
Friday: Give your teacher a hug!
Thank you!
Monday: Bring your teacher a flower
-Potted plant
-Draw a picture of a flower for your teacher
Tuesday: Bring your teacher her favorite treat.
-Flavored tea
-A piece of chocolate
-A piece of fruit
Wednesday: Tell your teacher how much you appreciate her!
-Make her a card
-Draw her a picture
-Write her a poem
Thursday: Teacher Breakfast/Luncheon
Friday: Give your teacher a hug!
Thank you!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Spring Concert
Spring Concert will be Tuesday, May 5th at 7:00 PM at Holy Name Catholic School Gym. All are invited to attend.
First Sunday/May Crowning
First Sunday is May 3 at the 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Masses.
May Crowning will be at the 10:00 AM Mass on May 3.
May Crowning will be at the 10:00 AM Mass on May 3.
Parent Information Note
A note was sent home to all school families on Tuesday, April 28th in regards to the recent outbreak of the swine flu that has been in the news.
The note indicated.....
What we are doing?
The Diocese of Wichita as well as Holy Name Catholic School has a Pandemic Plan in place in case we would need to use it.
Currently, this is what we will be doing at Holy Name Catholic School.
Reminding students of the importance of hand washing.
Reminding students to cover their mouth when they cough.
Each room will have soap/water or alcohol-based product for hand cleaning.
Classrooms will be stocked with hand sanitizers, disposable sanitizing towels, tissues, and disinfecting spray.
Call the school office if you have any questions.
The note indicated.....
What we are doing?
The Diocese of Wichita as well as Holy Name Catholic School has a Pandemic Plan in place in case we would need to use it.
Currently, this is what we will be doing at Holy Name Catholic School.
Reminding students of the importance of hand washing.
Reminding students to cover their mouth when they cough.
Each room will have soap/water or alcohol-based product for hand cleaning.
Classrooms will be stocked with hand sanitizers, disposable sanitizing towels, tissues, and disinfecting spray.
Call the school office if you have any questions.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Generation of Faith
Generation of Faith will be Wednesday, May 6th at 6:30 PM. The theme that evening will be "Celebrate the year". There will be a picnic that evening with Altar Society hosting.
Family Reading Night
Just a reminder....Family Reading Night will be on Tuesday, April 28th. We will start with Mass at 6:30 PM and then after Mass our Reading activities will begin.
Come and join the fun!!!
Come and join the fun!!!
Free Dress
Monday, April 27th will be Free Dress. Students will need to bring their Free Dress coupon they earned or $2.00 to go towards the missions.
There will be a Virtus class on Saturday, April 25th at 9:00 AM in the Parish Hall. The class will last from 9:00 AM - Noon.
If you have not attended a Virtus class....please try to attend.
If you have not attended a Virtus class....please try to attend.
Holy Name Catholic School Carnival will be Friday, April 24th at 6:00 PM. Come and enjoy the fun.
Carnival Assembly
There will be a carnival assembly at 2:00 PM on Friday, April 24th. All are invited to attend.
AR Assembly
AR Assembly will be after the 8:15 AM Mass on Friday, April 24th in the gym. All are invited to attend.
Battle of the Books
The Battle of the Books team will travel to Ark City on Wednesday, April 22 to compete with other schools in the Diocese of Wichita.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Kindergarten Roundup
Kindergarten Roundup will be Friday, April 17th at 12:30 PM at Holy Name Catholic School Gym.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Mark Your Calendar
Friday, April 17...Kindergarten Roundup at 12:30
Tuesday, April 21...HSA meeting at 7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 22...Mid Term reports go home
Friday, April 24...Holy Name Catholic School Carnival
Saturday, April 25....Virtus from 9:00 - NOON in the Parish Hall
Tuesday, April 28...Family Reading Night after the 6:30 PM Mass.
Sunday, May 3....First Sunday at 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses
Sunday, May 3 ....May Crowning at 10:00 AM Mass
Sunday, May 3 ...Confirmation at 2:00 PM
Each Friday at 2:15 during the month of May the school children will pray the rosary.
May 4 - 15....MAP Testing
Tuesday, May 5....Spring Concert at 7:00 PM
May 11 - 15...Steward Test (Grades 3 - 6)
May 11 - 15....CRT's (Grades 3 - 6)
Friday, May 15....Field Day in the afternoon
Thursday, May 21....Fiesta at 11:30 AM
Thursday, May 21....6th grade promotion at 6:00 PM
Friday, May 22....Passing of the Light (after the 8:15 AM mass)
Friday, May 22...Awards Assembly (Preschool - 5th)
Friday, May 22...Last Day of School (Noon Dismissal)
Tuesday, April 21...HSA meeting at 7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 22...Mid Term reports go home
Friday, April 24...Holy Name Catholic School Carnival
Saturday, April 25....Virtus from 9:00 - NOON in the Parish Hall
Tuesday, April 28...Family Reading Night after the 6:30 PM Mass.
Sunday, May 3....First Sunday at 8:00 and 10:00 AM Masses
Sunday, May 3 ....May Crowning at 10:00 AM Mass
Sunday, May 3 ...Confirmation at 2:00 PM
Each Friday at 2:15 during the month of May the school children will pray the rosary.
May 4 - 15....MAP Testing
Tuesday, May 5....Spring Concert at 7:00 PM
May 11 - 15...Steward Test (Grades 3 - 6)
May 11 - 15....CRT's (Grades 3 - 6)
Friday, May 15....Field Day in the afternoon
Thursday, May 21....Fiesta at 11:30 AM
Thursday, May 21....6th grade promotion at 6:00 PM
Friday, May 22....Passing of the Light (after the 8:15 AM mass)
Friday, May 22...Awards Assembly (Preschool - 5th)
Friday, May 22...Last Day of School (Noon Dismissal)
Holy Week Schedule
Sunday, April 5 Palm Sunday
Monday, April 6 Monday of Holy Week
Tuesday, April 7 Tuesday of Holy Week
Tuesday, April 7 Confession (5:30 PM – 6:30 PM)
Wednesday, April 8 Wednesday of Holy Week
Thursday, April 9 Holy Thursday….Mass at 7:00 PM
Friday, April 10 Good Friday (Stations at 3:00 PM)
Friday, April 10 Confession from 3:30 – 4:30 PM
Friday, April 10 Good Friday (Passion/Veneration/Communion) at 7:00 PM
Saturday, April 11 Holy Saturday (Mass at 8:30 PM)
Sunday, April 12 Easter Sunday (Mass at 8:00 & 10:00 AM)
Monday, April 6 Monday of Holy Week
Tuesday, April 7 Tuesday of Holy Week
Tuesday, April 7 Confession (5:30 PM – 6:30 PM)
Wednesday, April 8 Wednesday of Holy Week
Thursday, April 9 Holy Thursday….Mass at 7:00 PM
Friday, April 10 Good Friday (Stations at 3:00 PM)
Friday, April 10 Confession from 3:30 – 4:30 PM
Friday, April 10 Good Friday (Passion/Veneration/Communion) at 7:00 PM
Saturday, April 11 Holy Saturday (Mass at 8:30 PM)
Sunday, April 12 Easter Sunday (Mass at 8:00 & 10:00 AM)
Math State Assessments
The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students will complete Math State Assessments the week of April 6 - 9.
A big THANK YOU to HSA for providing snacks during State Assessments.
A big THANK YOU to HSA for providing snacks during State Assessments.
Rice Bowls
Please return rice bowls on Monday, April 13th.
Thank you for participating in Operation Rice Bowl this year.
Thank you for participating in Operation Rice Bowl this year.
Good Friday
There will be NO school on Friday, April 10th.
Stations of the Cross will be at 3:00 PM. Weather permitting the Stations of the Cross will be outside.
At 7:00 PM there will be the reading of the Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Communion.
Stations of the Cross will be at 3:00 PM. Weather permitting the Stations of the Cross will be outside.
At 7:00 PM there will be the reading of the Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Communion.
Battle of the Books
Wednesday, April 8 we will send a Battle of the Books team from Holy Name Catholic School to Ark City. This years Battle of the Book team....Kelli Bromley, Robyn Horsley, Denice Gonzalez, Emma Herkelman and Jared Swift.
They will answer questions about different books they have read this year!!! Our team will compete against other Catholic Schools in the Wichita Diocese.
They will answer questions about different books they have read this year!!! Our team will compete against other Catholic Schools in the Wichita Diocese.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Family Reading Night
Family Reading Night will be Tuesday, April 28th starting with Mass at 6:30 PM. After Mass we will begin our Reading/Wellness activities in the gym. Please bring your favorite book to read.
A Virtus class has been scheduled for Saturday, April 25th at 9:00 AM in the Parish Hall. The class will last from 9:00 AM - NOON.
School Carnival
The Holy Name Catholic School Carnival will be Friday, April 24th at 6:00 PM. Please come and join us!!!
Kindergarten Roundup
Holy Name Catholic School will hold a Kindergarten Roundup on Friday, April 17th at 12:30 PM in the school gym. Screening times for each child will be about 20 minutes.
Children entering Kindergarten at Holy Name must be age five on or before August 31. Please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate, immunization record and social security number.
Children entering Kindergarten at Holy Name must be age five on or before August 31. Please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate, immunization record and social security number.
Rice Bowls
Please return Rice Bowls by Monday, April 13th. Thank you for praying, fasting and almsgiving during this Lenten Season.
Holy Week Schedule
Holy Thursday Mass will be at 7:00 PM
Good Friday...Stations of the Cross at 3:00 PM and Passion/Veneration/Communion at 7:00 PM.
Holy Saturday....Easter Vigil will be at 8:30 PM.
Good Friday...Stations of the Cross at 3:00 PM and Passion/Veneration/Communion at 7:00 PM.
Holy Saturday....Easter Vigil will be at 8:30 PM.
Stations of the Cross
The 5th grade class will lead the Stations of the Cross on Friday, April 3 at 2:15 PM. Come and pray the Stations of the Cross with the school children.
Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, April 1st at 6:30 PM. The main dish will be hamburgers and the sacrament that we will be studying will be Confirmation. Please join us for a faith filled evening.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sack Lunch/Bus
Just a reminder...Friday, March 20th there will be NO HOT LUNCH. Students will need to bring a sack lunch that day.
There will be NO AM/PM bus on March 20th.
There will be NO AM/PM bus on March 20th.
Family Reading Night
Family Reading Night will be Tuesday, April 28th. We will attend Mass together at 6:30 PM and then start our Reading and Wellness activities after Mass. Please bring a book to read as a family.
Stations of the Cross
The 2nd/3rd/6th grade classes will lead the Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 20th at 2:15 PM. Please come and pray the Stations of the Cross with the students.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Thursday, March 19th. Schedules were sent home last week.
National Prayer Week
Holy Childhood Association National Prayer Week will be March 15 – 22, 2009. HCA has prepared a special prayer for the students based on its 2008-2009 school year theme: “Believe the Good News” (Mark 1: 14-15). Prayers are needed for missionaries who have answered the call to spread the Gospel message “to the ends of the earth,” for those hearing about Jesus and for those who may be discerning their own missionary vocations. Holy Name Catholic School students will participate in the HCA National Prayer Week.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Cleaning the school kitchen
We will clean the school kitchen on Saturday, March 14th beginning at 8:00 AM. Please enter the building by using the door near the kitchen.
End of the 3rd Nine Weeks
The 3rd nine weeks will end on Friday, March 13th. With the start of the 4th nine weeks on Monday, March 16th students may wear their uniform shorts.
Stations of the Cross
The 4th grade class will lead the Stations of the Cross at 2:15 PM on Friday afternoon (March 13). All are invited to come and pray the Stations of the Cross with the school children.
There will be a HSA meeting on Tuesday, March 10th at 7:00 PM. Please plan to attend we will begin discussion about the school carnival.
Reading State Assessments
Reading State Assessments will start the week of March 9 - 20 for grades 3 - 6.
Just a reminder....Parents should NOT respond to the emails they receive from PowerSchool; in particular, Progress Reports of any kind. If you have a question or concern the email must be sent to the school office here at Holy Name.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Generations of Faith
Generations of Faith will be Wednesday, March 4th at 6:30 PM in the gym. The sacrament that will be discussed will be the Eucharist.
All are invited to attend.
All are invited to attend.
Vocation Posters
The Knights of Columbus sponsor a Vocation Poster Contest for the school children. On Sunday, March 1st the posters will be displayed in the gym. Please plan to attend and vote for your favorite Vocation Poster.
Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM
Each Friday during Lent there will be Stations of the Cross at 7:00 PM.
Soup Supper
There will be a Soup Supper each Friday during Lent at 6:00 PM in the gym. On Friday, February 27th HSA will host the soup supper. All are invited to attend.
Stations of the Cross
Each Friday during Lent the school children will lead the Stations of the Cross at 2:15 PM. Please come and pray the Stations of the Cross with the school children.
Ash Wednesday
Lent will begin on Wednesday, February 25th. All the school children will attend Mass on Ash Wednesday at 8:15 AM.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dental Checkups
We will have dental checkups on Friday, February 20th starting at 9:00 AM for all students.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
First Friday
Friday, February 6th is First Friday. We will have adoration and benediction after the 8:15 AM Mass.
Aluminum Cans
Friday, February 6th at 12:30 PM in the gym we will announce which class won the aluminum cans competition.
Please come and join us!!!
Please come and join us!!!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
St. John Bosco Wellness Award
Mr. Bob Voboril, Superintendent of the Diocese of Wichita Catholic Schools presented the faculty and students the St. John Bosco Wellness Award. He was very pleased with the Wellness plan that we have at Holy Name.
Holy Name Catholic School Celebrates Service
This past Friday, we concluded our celebration of Catholic Schools Week, the time each year when we share with the parish and community the many ways our school makes a difference in our community while educating students in an atmosphere of faith and values. Father Ben, Mrs. Payne, faculty & Staff and students thank all of the families, parishioners, and volunteers who helped make our week special.
Generations of Faith
Generation of Faith will be Wednesday, February 4 at 6:30 PM. The sacrament that we will be studying is Holy Orders. Father Ben will be the speaker that evening. Altar Society will be providing Chicken & Noodles. Please bring a side dish for dinner at 6:30 PM.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Yearbook money and order form due by Friday, January 30th. The cost of the yearbook is $12.00.
Parent/Grandparent Lunch
We have rescheduled the Parent/Grandparent Lunch for Thursday, January 29th at 11:30 AM. Following lunch the students in grade (K - 6) will sing a few songs that they have been working on in Music class.
At 1:00 PM Mr. Bob Voboril, Superintendent for the Diocese of Wichita will be at Holy Name Catholic School.
After Mr. Voboril's presentation...we will start the Religion Bowl.
At 1:00 PM Mr. Bob Voboril, Superintendent for the Diocese of Wichita will be at Holy Name Catholic School.
After Mr. Voboril's presentation...we will start the Religion Bowl.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Muffins for Dad/Grandpa
We will plan on muffins for Dad/Grandpa on Thursday, January 29th at 7:15 AM.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
First Sunday
Sunday, February 1st is First Sunday. Mass at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM with the Holy Name School Children.
Close of Catholic Schools Week
Saturday, January 31st.
Mass at 5:30 PM with the Holy Name School Children.
Mass at 5:30 PM with the Holy Name School Children.
Celebrate Service: In our Faculty, Staff, and Volunteers
Friday, January 30
Spelling Bee at 9:00 AM in the gym.
Announce the winner of the Aluminum can project at 1:30 PM.
Demonstration of various PE activities at 1:30 PM.
Spelling Bee at 9:00 AM in the gym.
Announce the winner of the Aluminum can project at 1:30 PM.
Demonstration of various PE activities at 1:30 PM.
Celebrate Service: In our Vocation
Thursday, January 29
Read a book with our Mass Partners and 6th grade with the preschool class.
Special Presentation and Religion Bowl at 1:00 PM in the gym.
Read a book with our Mass Partners and 6th grade with the preschool class.
Special Presentation and Religion Bowl at 1:00 PM in the gym.
Celebrate Service: In our Nation
Wednesday, January 28th
Flag Ceremony after the 8:15 AM Mass...Holy Name Girl Scouts
Magic Show at 9:30 AM with Mr. Pete Walterscheid.
Flag Ceremony after the 8:15 AM Mass...Holy Name Girl Scouts
Magic Show at 9:30 AM with Mr. Pete Walterscheid.
Celebrate Service: In Our Students
Tuesday, January 27th
Muffins for dad/grandpa at 7:15 AM in the Holy Name Catholic School gym.
Parents/Grandparents are invited to eat lunch with students at 11:30 AM.
After lunch...short music performance (Grades K - 6)
Mr. Bob Voboril...Superintendent of Catholic Schools will be at Holy Name Catholic School at 1:00 PM. Please come and meet our Superintendent.
Muffins for dad/grandpa at 7:15 AM in the Holy Name Catholic School gym.
Parents/Grandparents are invited to eat lunch with students at 11:30 AM.
After lunch...short music performance (Grades K - 6)
Mr. Bob Voboril...Superintendent of Catholic Schools will be at Holy Name Catholic School at 1:00 PM. Please come and meet our Superintendent.
Celebrate Service: In Our Community
Monday, January 26th
Muffins for mom/grandma at 7:15 AM in the Holy Name Catholic School gym.
Bring $2.00 for Free will be used to purchase phone cards for U.S. troops.
Muffins for mom/grandma at 7:15 AM in the Holy Name Catholic School gym.
Bring $2.00 for Free will be used to purchase phone cards for U.S. troops.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Wellness Activity
We will be playing volleyball in the gym on Tuesday, January 20th after the 6:30 PM Mass. Please come and join us!!!!
LifeTouch Pictures
LifeTouch will be at Holy Name Catholic School on Tuesday, January 20th to take pictures for the yearbook.
MAP Testing
Map Testing will continue this week (January 20 - 23). Please check the schedule to see when your child will be testing this week.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Yearbook Order Forms
If you would like to order a yearbook...please complete the yearbook order form. The cost of the yearbook is $12.00.
Catholic Schools Week Information
Just a reminder....If you will be eating with your child during Catholic Schools Week at the Parent/Grandparent luncheon please return form and money (if eating Hot Lunch) by Friday, January 16th.
If your child would like to pass our Catholic Schools Week buttons or participate in the Mass during Catholic Schools week please return form by Friday, January 16th.
HSA t-shirt order form due by Friday, January 16th.
If your child would like to pass our Catholic Schools Week buttons or participate in the Mass during Catholic Schools week please return form by Friday, January 16th.
HSA t-shirt order form due by Friday, January 16th.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Generations of Faith
Wednesday, January 7th at 6:30 PM will be the next Generations of Faith. The topic for the evening will be on marriage.
Please come and join us!!!
Please come and join us!!!
Welcome Back!!!
Just a reminder that school will resume on Monday, January 5th. There will be NO hot lunch that day so students will need to bring a sack lunch. Also, there will be NO AM/PM buses that day.
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